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Akihiro209 commented at 2010-12-25 22:49:17 » #558749

I knew girls could kick but damn.

8 Points Flag
zinmaster24 commented at 2012-05-08 02:44:21 » #1066208

Hyper Combo....nuff said

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-02 17:19:56 » #1512953

Ridiculous! If you compare the animated movies that these characters have been in, then it is clear that Ayane and Kasumi would easily pwn Tifa and Rikku. Only way The FF girls have a chance of winning is if they use materia+summons.... and even then the two ninja sisters would be likely to win since they rape demon lords on a daily basis.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-06 18:32:07 » #2209522

You seem to forget that every FF character does battle with ferocious monsters several times there size on pretty much all the time and fight against world destroying entities. There isn't any reason to doubt them as being a match for DoA chicks. Plus materia and magic aren't much different than ninja arts that the DoA chicks use, so I don't see why use of it should be looked down on.

2 Points Flag