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Anonymous commented at 2011-09-17 21:12:20 » #879770

u know thats really a guy right

31 Points Flag
salarta commented at 2011-09-21 02:29:58 » #882507

I've never once seen anything definitive on that issue. The prevailing assumption is surgery, but for all we know it's actually a case of intersex and changing gender roles.

Which is decently supported during a certain conversation in the game where one of the people in question talks about thinking they saw something strange.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-30 08:44:13 » #889790

Either was Erica was originally Eric. That much is proven.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-03-31 18:21:52 » #1037657

Calling a MtF transsexual "really a guy" is kind of an asshole thing to do, bro.

39 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-30 07:13:20 » #1626035

How is telling the truth an asshole thing to do? Transexuals that have done an operation to get rid of their genitalia ect are still men, they are just men without a penis.

I will give you that there are people that have horrible mutations, but that doesn't make them a new gender. True, the definition of intersex and what it is meant to be used as isn't actually a gender -- but that is how most people seem to use it. I.E people are stupid so using terms such as intersex just confuse them.

Now as for Erica, he IS a man that just wants to have an operation. This is proven without a shadow of a doubt when he mentions at the end of the game that he has started having "nightmares".

29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-18 18:38:57 » #1988223

"How is telling the truth an asshole thing to do? Transexuals that have done an operation to get rid of their genitalia ect are still men, they are just men without a penis."

BWAHAHAHA Oooooh boy what a fucking moron.

11 Points Flag