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Anonymous commented at 2012-04-05 00:21:17 » #1041178

@Anon 4, oh yeah it would've been really nice if she did all that in the fight against KAKUZU and actually helped in Akatsuki fights instead of hiding and doing....nothing.

5 Points Flag
BiggJD commented at 2012-04-05 18:54:50 » #1041794

What happened to her shoe?? And no not the one that is off, why is that one still on! This pic made me laugh so hard. The more i look at this still pic, the more it looks like Sakura is just pushing her face against her foot. Ino can't use that move alot b/c after using it once, she couldn't do anything else. Though she used some b4 to trap Sakura, that shouldn't have taken all that out of her. Sakura didn't have anything during that time anyways. Reason why it became a draw.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-13 16:47:18 » #1048532

We also can't forget that, in the Chuunin Exams, Asuma thinks to himself on how Ino didn't have enough chakra left to use her family techniques at their maximum efficiency. That coupled with, as mentioned, Naruto's interference with his yelling is what allowed Sakura to break out and result in the match being a draw.

Ino at least showed a more kunoichi-like mindset by tricking Sakura and getting her trapped in order to use her jutsu, thus showing she doesn't solely need Shikamaru or Chouji around to be able to do so. This is contrast to Sakura (back then and even now, in terms of fighting) who really had NOTHING except just trying to beat down her opponents up close.

Unless Sakura also knows a lot of Tsunade's and/or Shizune's other medical abilities (chakra scalpels and other dangerous ones), then against other Taijutsu-style people like Lee or Neji, then even her chakra enhanced punches wouldn't make that much of a difference since chances are that she'd never be able to hit them due to their own speed and agility.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-06 13:32:37 » #1064906

if I had to choose Id rather Sakura win, just cause I dont like ino at all

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-11 23:02:19 » #1068844

to bad that in reality ino's more useless than sakura...

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-23 22:31:55 » #1076878

I can't tell whether she's getting her ass kicked or enjoying the smell of Ino's foot

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-20 04:41:19 » #1097331

I used to be a Ninja like you, but then I took a FOOT TO THE JAW.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-07-17 15:45:34 » #1118381

Also, Ino would be just as lethal in Close Range as Sakura is even though she doesn't have Tsunade's super strength. After all, Ino ALSO is a Medical Ninja and trained along side Sakura and under Tsunade. It's just that Sakura was the only one who showed an Aptitude for Tsunade's super strength Jutsu. Ino also applies her Botanic Knowledge with her Medical Knowledge so...coupled with the previously mentioned stuff from other people...Ino is not only more useful then Sakura but she outclasses Sakura drastically due to her flexibility and usefulness.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-13 10:55:53 » #1244941

Actually in the third data book of shippuden, Sakura is the strongest female. If you guys actually did some research and not talk shit about her cause you hate her, you would know that. This data is according to Kishimoto, so Sakura would kick Ino's ass easily :3

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-07-18 22:29:36 » #2150418

If they keep fighting their clothes will keep tearing more and more. They'll both get exhausted and before you know it Ino will fall down and Sakura will fall on top of her and they'll have sex. I love catfights.

1 Points Flag