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Anonymous commented at 2012-09-10 04:15:03 » #1158168

Who is the author

12 Points Flag
luigi-dude commented at 2012-09-10 04:16:33 » #1158169

I'm so confused! The action says hot but the face says cute!

91 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-10 07:53:41 » #1158236

any more collors then brown and white?

9 Points Flag
Summon commented at 2012-09-10 11:27:44 » #1158301


This is the elusive concept of "Sexy-cute"

66 Points Flag
novalisk commented at 2012-09-10 11:42:55 » #1158307

Cuteness is very close to sexyness in nature, I don't know how people always miss this.

41 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-10 22:26:22 » #1158663

Quite honestly they're not the same - sexiness are attributes that directly would be connected to the will to have intercourse(Revealing clothes, a "nice" figure and so on) while Cute would be the person in question seeming innocent, pure and/or almost seem incapable of taking care of themself - Which are attributes that would *usually* bring out emotions of wanting to protect the person from harm - rather than "I'd hit that!"

17 Points Flag
omnomimous commented at 2012-09-11 00:08:20 » #1158711

Make sure you've got something like a hat or headband on before you read the following.

Most of the female attributes considered to be "sexy" are, in fact, childlike.
smooth, hairless (shaven) skin
pouty lips
small nose
small mouth and jaw
longer legs than arms
larger eyes
small brow ridge

I know what you're thinking, right? Head=explode
Or it would have if you weren't wearing something to keep it together.

85 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-09-11 00:52:49 » #1158753

On top of that, a lot of us are just pedos who think cute is sexy, which is more a matter of opinion than anything.

57 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-10-25 14:30:21 » #1188926

toddlercon tag?
Don't think it belongs to this

9 Points Flag