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Anonymous commented at 2013-07-13 10:14:30 » #1359105

Pfft, noobs automatically assuming white powder is coke. Judging by the fact that there are E Bombs (Colored pills) Scattered around the table, and that they actually look like they're having fun I'd lean more towards pure MDMA (Main component in E Bombs) or Ketamine. (Special K's usually a pure white powder in higher concentrations but can vary to a yellowish tint with Chinese shit)

Also with coke Mokou would probably be setting kaguya on fire because coke doesn't give you an outward look of Euphoria. Coke heads usually act edgy, impatient, and extremely aggressive. NOT FUCKING WOOO HAPPY.

And finally, Kaguyas eye pupils are expanded. That happens more prominently under MDMA while whenever I've done coke or seen someone under the influences of coke, the eyes usually contract rather than expand. The expansion of pupils on MDMA is what helps cause most of the tracers, and occasional hallucination if taken in high enough doses. (.6-1G)

Get learned on your drugs, you fucking nerds.

27 Points Flag
kolata commented at 2013-07-30 19:47:07 » #1370217

Ecstasy pills usually aren't that rounded and sleek-looking since they're pressed in someone's basement. They could be anything.

Those lines are fucking huge, too, which means that they're either in the process of committing suicide or taking really weak-ass drugs...

4 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2014-01-09 11:24:52 » #1468090

^ I think suicide attempts would be pointless for these two immortals.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-10 23:32:23 » #1686415

Anon1 - Sorry. What does this have to do with reality?
You're knowledge of drugs seems to be spoken from someone who is *on* drugs.
You're rationalizing the effects on a couple of characters who may not react the same to the type of drugs used by humans. Coke may *not* have the same effect on them as humans.
Get my drift?

4 Points Flag