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Anonymous commented at 2014-06-15 10:54:45 » #1552221

I have always wondered about these high res screen caps. Where was the scaling algorithm applied? On the video source or on the cap itself? The cap looks too good for a 720p source. Even with Sinc4/Lanczos4 on wscale & cscale or NNEDI, the video wouldn't look like this.

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jedi1357 commented at 2014-06-15 12:08:31 » #1552242

This looks like it was done using poster software, perhaps by a student. (Look at how the upper corners are skewed.)

A proper Photoshop of uncompressed/limited compression PNG can be stitched with pixel accuracy. I can see the misalignment on her sleeves caused by the tilt of the upper half. That and the compression artifacts tell me this is NOT too good for 720p.

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