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Nauran commented at 2014-06-24 02:49:51 » #1557068

I'd love for Paul to return in the XY series. A truly worthy rival, especially if he had one of those.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-08 21:13:55 » #1582957

Rather ironic since Paul obviously abuses his pokemon and mega evolution requires a strong bond between trainer and pokemon which ain't happening for him since he sees pokemon as tools.

0 Points Flag
JustAnotherPervert commented at 2015-09-08 02:21:45 » #1809825

Not really. A few of his Pokémon have similar personalities to himself. Electivire was kind of a jackass, and Ursaring...well anyone who saw the Lake Acuity battle knows Ursaring. When Paul lost at the Sinnoh league, his squad was shown to be disappointed he wasn't coming home a winner. His main team seems to like him just fine.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-04-01 01:34:29 » #2114568

Paul is just like AJ. Ash sees the guy as an ass hole who mistreats his pokemon just because he doesn't train them in the same way that ash does. Paul isn't an asshole to his Pokemon. He's an asshole to people. He's a trainer that doesn't want to waste his time on a Pokemon that isn't the very best it could be.

The Pokemon he keeps seem to be treated well, perhaps too well. They all end up acting like they're the kings of their generation, likely BECAUSE Paul teaches them that. They seem to like him just fine, Ash is just butthurt that he's picky about what he catches and that his view on Pokemon is more pragmatic than it is sentimental.

Ash is a person who thinks all Pokemon are special, Paul is a person who thinks some Pokemon are special.

In respect to the game, Paul would be the better trainer. His Pokemon would likely be perfectly IV and EV trained with ideal natures. His team comp could use a bit of work, but overall he'd be pretty well off in comparison to ash, who routinely holds his Pokemon back, doesn't ever seem to actually train them outside of battles with strangers, and employs fairly bad strategies most of the time. Could be the in universe reason why Ash never wins, come to think of it.

Point is, Paul did nothing wrong.

1 Points Flag