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Anonymous commented at 2015-01-18 14:07:08 » #1672555

Except it wasn't forced. Poison was newhalf as early as the concept stages of the Japanese version of the game.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-22 01:13:29 » #1674728

Since no official stance has been taken sealed the deal on what gender Poison is, the debates will go on. I don't mind me some futa once and a while but I can't do be okay with Poison being a Tranny.
The way I see it i'd be supporting that messed up marketing move that its more okay to beat up Trannies then women, which is not cool in my books. Trannies are people too damnit!

6 Points Flag
Tanrath commented at 2015-01-30 21:15:25 » #1679490

Best Roxy pic ever!

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-10 16:42:46 » #1686163

Well, to be perfectly honest, the idea that Poison is a newhalf is, based on my understanding of the story, unfounded. Having read up on the issue myself, I actually deduced that the reason they ostensibly made her a male/female/whatever is because Americans, back in the day, couldn't handle the idea of beating up a lady, so Capcom execs back in Japan decided to, in what I can only say is one of the biggest "ass-pulls" (pardon my language) in videogame history, made up the whole "Poison is really a man" excuse to justifiably get the game ported over to the states.

Me? I don't care what a person is or who they identify as, that's their business, not mine. But going back to the very beginning of the whole debate, it really is nothing more than pandering to the chivalrous attitudes of Westerners back in the early-90s (which is ironic considering people beat up women in other games just fine until some prude took offense to beating up Poison). Capcom just refuses to take a stance on the matter because they love annoying their fanbase (why else would they put so many Megaman series on "hiatus" and still not make an official sequel to Darkstalkers?)

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-02 04:36:00 » #1732833

"Funny how a forced change in marketing is taken to be canon just so those with a fetish can fap to it. And if you correct them, they denounce you.
Reminds me of religion...."

Except Religion can't be proven, Poison was a newhalf and has always been a newhalf.

The forced change in marketing was because SHE was a newhalf.

Anyway if we're talking about religion here, it's obviously you who is acting like a fanatical freak christian. Just because you can't stand the thought of Poison being a newhalf, you have to discriminate and call her woman and not the newhalf that she is, this has nothing to do with fetishes, only fact.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-02 04:54:16 » #1732838

"Americans couldn't handle beating up a lady."

Except Double Dragon, which came out just two years earlier AND was what basically started the beat-em-up genre, had female thugs that you beat the shit out of.

The "They can't handle beating up women" theory is complete bullshit.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-06 20:51:39 » #1928574

Well to be fair the American side of Poison has a complete sexchange, while the Japanese version of her just tucks away her business.

1 Points Flag
Ashera commented at 2016-07-03 01:52:32 » #1979741

Sorry, #1672528, according to her design documents, which label her as a shemale, she was always a shemale. The only time she was female was likely before she had a design by they knew they wanted a female enemy.
Regardless of it being marketing or not though, she is canon as being a transexual woman, Yoshinori Ono, currently director of Street Fighter, stated so, as did every document detailing her ever since the original Final Fight.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-26 12:20:07 » #2112844

Her name's poison probably for a reason. Too many uneducated dickheads on Gelbooru and porn sites don't understand the difference between poison and venom. While venom is injected poison is introduced by touch of skin, swallowed/inhaled and venom is introduced by fangs/bites any offensive means (generally predator manner).

She's probably playing you all for a fucking dumbass that you are the whole thing of "Look but don't touch.". I'm pretty sure I can get the dick joke but I'm not going to spoil shit.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-26 13:18:24 » #2112862

Actually her name is just derived from the american rock band known as Poison.

That's all it is, really.

4 Points Flag