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Anonymous commented at 2015-10-09 08:34:43 » #1827644

Changed tag from 'rifle' to 'shotgun'.

SPAS-12, terrible, TERRIBLE shotgun, big, clunky, heavy, fidgety, really poor handling, really not practical, the Benelli M3 is selectable between pump and semi-auto, is slimmer, lighter, and overall works SO much better.

However, the gun looks FUCKING COOL, so it gets put in movies and videogames all the time, because who doesn't want a cool gun for their movie or game? I'd put it in KNOWING it's a hunk of junk, just because it's so visually impressive.

Getting the semi-auto mode to work can be difficult, especially with movie blanks, so that's probably why you always see it worked in pump-action, where the actor would cycle it manually anyway.

There was only a few thousand imported to the US, and since they've appeared in so many famous movies and games, it's a bit of an expensive collectible, even though most wouldn't shoot it much.

Black Lagoon is an action manga/anime which is all about the cool, so it's a great gun for this series.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-06 17:52:40 » #1878559

who cares about the gun look at those breasts dude.

13 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2024-03-04 12:33:41 » #2871802

The reason the gun is used in so much media is cause it looks cool. Personally, if the Spas-15 is not crap, they should use that instead.

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