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Anonymous commented at 2015-11-23 19:50:05 » #1854067

Yeah, the one third is an exaggeration without any real connection to real numbers, but most of good artists I know from hentaifoundry can be found here as well so that's really besides the point. I see now. This comic series is not all too great in the art department, even if it really is a cute little series with some funny gags. If some really fucking good western H was being deleted, it would be more baffling.

2 Points Flag
metalsonic27 commented at 2015-11-24 17:55:12 » #1854503

wow serena can be so native with ash and cant trust him and she thinks he will have sex with them.

1 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2015-12-02 12:00:47 » #1858652

@Anonymous >> #1854043:
You are partially correct. The artist rule disallows all artwork by non-Japanese artists, regardless of content.

On the other hand, it also gives the mod team the power to give exceptions to the rule at our discretion for quality. Generally we will only give these exceptions to images that are on-topic, which means that they usually need to be based on a Japanese copyright or very heavily Japanese-themed.

If we don't give one of these exceptions, the artwork is in violation of the rules and will be removed. Technically speaking, if you don't have the moderator review the artwork before uploading it, you're breaking the rules even if it gets approved later; however, we've never actually enforced this.

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