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Now Viewing: Embarrassment
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secret64 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 164
Posted on: 04/19/16 12:26AM

RomyHime said:
I have to admit... I really like the idea of a girl subtly asking you for help to get out of a self-inflicted embarrassing situation.
Maybe by just looking at you in a certain self-conscious way, since the problem at hand is painfully obvious anyway and dialog would be redundant.
The way she would confide in your honest intentions, while you're given the chance to show her that you'd never take advantage of her helpless state...

This feeling of trust gives me a very fuzzy feeling inside, so I like to play with the scenario a lot in my mind.

Of course, just like secret64, I wouldn't want any girl to end up in a stressful situation in the first place. I'd just like to help out in the way I described.
I can however see how this ends up being the "passive dominance" Dirty_Harry was talking about, which feels a bit discouraging since I thought my intentions were actually good...

I would say your intentions are very good. If you imagine a scenario in which the girl is in an embarrassing situation and you are not inherently placed into an antagonistic role, then I would just call that the neutral setup of the initial circumstances. Your particular take is to become the protagonist, nay the hero. To put it generally, if it makes you feel good, and the good feeling is derived from love as opposed to fear, then your intentions are positive.

secret64 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 164
Posted on: 04/19/16 01:18AM

RomyHime said:
I think I honestly never considered that aspect when seeing one of those pictures...
Tags like this still make me feel pretty uneasy, but I'm glad that there always might be a positive background to them, in a way.
Learning about all kinds of different standpoints is always very valuable.

This might be a bit of a stretch, and extremely stupid on my end, but now I'm curious if there can be any good intentions behind the whole "forced"-topic.
(I'm talking solely about the fetish/fantasy here, obviously I'd never try to put the real act in a positive light or support it in any way. It really isn't my thing either.)
Sorry if that question is inappropriate or ended up being too off-topic.

I'd also like to thank you for the clarification concerning my previous post, Dirty_Harry.
What you said.. actually means a lot to me.

I would say there is a positive and negative perspective of everything, and I do mean everything. I'm not referring to "the bright side" as most people mean it, e.g. "the bright side to quadruple amputation is no dirt under fingernails amirite?" The reason I think this is because every situation and circumstance is inherently neutral. Assigning positive and negative meaning to them is our jobs as experiencers. It can be very hard though when certain meanings to known situations are ingrained into our understanding of the world around us by our surrounding culture. (This includes me. I'm no guru.) I got a cold recently that messed with the sound of my voice for a few weeks. Most people would label that as a negative thing because it's "bad" to be in a state of low health. I however decided to treat it like a test of my ability to define things in positive ways against opposition. I actually had a lot of fun playing with my distorted voice. I could do things with it I couldn't do otherwise, and that cold was about the only way I could do it.

I mean, that's a pretty mild example though. What if I got terminal cancer? That's surely inherently negative, right? I firmly believe even the most "serious" of situations can be defined and experienced positively. There would be no point in fighting against the inevitability of death, so accept that as given, then perhaps see this as an opportunity to... Well, I'm going to end up feeling a little pretentious if I try to come up with positive ways to deal with that, but if I was thrown into that situation, then I would find a way to do it. I'm in no way saying it would be easy though. I'm rambling. Oh well.

One way to view the idea of "forced" is to stop and think about what it means to be forced. Are you being FORCED to stay on the ground, and is your FREEDOM to just step onto the wall and walk on the ceiling being LIMITED by such a force? Well, yes. How do you cope with this? We're so good at just dealing with our lack of superpowers that we don't even think about it. What if, as an example, the situation occurred in which I handcuffed you to a pole against your will for exactly 3 hours and didn't do it again? What should you spend your energy doing during that time? Moping? Shouting? Seething? Crying? Plotting revenge? These all seem like normal reactions, yes? When was that last time you had 3 full, uninterrupted hours to yourself where you have nothing to do and worrying about the usual things is pointless? Sit down and meditate. Reminisce about the past. Do something you wouldn't otherwise have gotten the chance to do in a long time. Yes it's wrong for me to have done that. I did perform that act from a place of negativity, but it can still be fully interpreted and experienced in a positive way by others. To be a bit more general, we're very limited in the choices we can make and should make. Sometimes we're more limited than other times. It doesn't matter though. If you were a limitless god, then you wouldn't be able to have the experience of process. When you're a god, the instant you want something is the same instant you have it. To be limited in certain ways gives you a whole separate array of experiences you couldn't explore otherwise. We're really explorers in our limitation. How's that for a positive outlook? The degree of limitation matters not.

secret64 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 164
Posted on: 04/19/16 01:42AM

Priss87 said:
I have plenty, but the one I've been in a huge mood right now is hypersexualization. And while it's probably odd to count it as such, I just find it somehow...gratifying, seeing a female character being hypersexualized, somehow.

I know it doesn't make any sense (especially considering the context), nor do I know if it really counts as such, but ah, whatever...

My favorite examples at the moment of this, are these three pieces (I guess in order):

I suppose the other side of the spectrum relative to hyper-sexualization would be subtle-sexualization if that gives you a tool to further understanding your fetish. post #1792017 might be an example. It at first it seems entirely benign, but there are a few details that may suggest otherwise. Look at the smile she's giving you. Why is she giving you that smile? Perhaps she's just friendly, but maybe she "likes" you. Look at the view you have of her legs. All she has to do is shift her position a little and you can see right up her skirt. It's not happening now, but you're looking at just the right angle to not seem too suspicious. Perhaps this example is a bit of a stretch, but I think it illustrates my point. It was one of the few examples from my favorites that are at all subtle. Here's another post #602232. You'll notice the one in pink has the subtlest of cameltoes. post #2288260 is an example of subtlety that's a tad more blatant.

Your examples are where the sexual elements completely overshadow all the other elements. In my examples the sexual elements are overshadowed, but I'm also putting them under a magnifying glass. I don't really have a point here. Sorry. :) I hope I contributed though.

secret64 - Group: Member - Total Posts: 164
Posted on: 04/19/16 01:45AM

Dirty_Harry said:
Don't worry about it. I was just talking smack/trolling to get a reaction. And maybe make you reveal more than you intended. A bald statement constructed from shocking baseless accusations often does the trick.

I sincerely thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond to apparent negativity in a way that is more closely aligned with my true self. I could have given you the response that was being provoked, but I believe I did a good job in terms of what I was trying to accomplish. Thanks. :) You're awesome!

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