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Anonymous commented at 2018-07-03 22:22:25 » #2255324

HA! CHECKMATE! flat-earthers.

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-04 07:05:30 » #2255426

"We are not crazy!" --flat dummies
Perhaps you're not crazy, but sure you're stupid.
In stupidity, you only get beaten my creationists, but just barely.

And here is one fact.
If you can create some model, making tons of assumptions, and have VERY little explanation power, you're not intelligent, you're stupid. Intelligence can be measured by comparing how many assumptions you make against the explanation power of the model. The less you make and more you can explain, more intelligent you are. That's why, for example, Charles Darwin and Albert Einstein were really intelligent.

"Earth is flat because it cannot be spherical." is really, REALLY, stupid. And yes, that's flat dummies most used argument. And of course, don't forget the world wide conspiracy to explain the lack of positive evidence. Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Earth-chan may have started as a FLAT loli, but as a teenager, she is already quite ROUND and she will only get bigger and ROUNDER.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-05 05:45:24 » #2255734

So taking these arguments into perspective and humanities natural perversity in some cases. People who believe flat is justice are also people who believe the earth is flat and the extinction of the dinosaurs happened because a meteor struck on one edge of the “flat” earth causing the poor helpless dinosaurs to launch into space?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-05 07:53:14 » #2255759

aw for the love of porn just shut the fuck up and fap, jeez! this isn't the place for that kind of debate.

35 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-07-08 03:58:28 » #2256756

The Earth has to be flat. We all know that Australia is 'down under,' but have you ever actually wondered why we say that? It's because it's literally on the other side of the planetary discoid.

Think about it. Do spheres have tops and bottoms? How many sides does a sphere have? That's right. For there to be a 'down under' then the Earth must be multisideular. If the Earth is multisideular then it must not be spherical. And if the Earth isn't spherical then it must be flat.

3 Points Flag
Aman2k16 commented at 2018-07-10 03:10:12 » #2257426

@Anonymous >> #2256756
To the "genius" above this comment its clear that when you say 'we' you clearly mean people who have no idea about the hemispheres of Earth or geology and have never traveled the globe to see for themselves.

"The term Down Under is a colloquialism which is variously construed to refer to Australia and New Zealand. The term comes from the fact that these countries are in the Southern Hemisphere, "below" many other countries, especially Western countries, on a globe oriented with the north towards to top."

"Australia is known as the "Land Down Under" because of its position in the southern hemisphere. Australia is the only entire continent and nation which lies completely south of the equator, or "down under" the equator."

"The Earth was first proved to be round by Magellan when he sailed around the world. It can also be mathematically proven by taking two long poles and placing them in the ground (so they point straight up) at two different locations (either east to west or north to south, both will work)."

Set a pendulum swinging & then mark where the two extremities are in its swing every hour and explain if we are living on a frisby how come the pendulum describes a circle? Even the Greeks worked out the earth was round by seeing its shadow on the moon. How can the Sun go behind the earth if the sun is always shining somewhere on the earth in a 24 hour period? But then if the earth is flat how can it be bright & sunny in one place and in total darkness on another?

We have plenty evidence that shows that our world is round unless you or other "flat-earthers" can explain why certain countries, space programs focusing on aeronautics and aerospace research, geologists, politicians and other people of power, and etc. would have to gain by lying about the Earth being spherical.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-22 18:38:18 » #2294586

are you guys minnows? cause you sure love to chomp bait

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-14 21:54:48 » #2446299

Charles Darwin intelligent HAHAHAHAHA

0 Points Flag
ProfessionalGopnik commented at 2019-12-24 16:34:10 » #2473174

Hey, Aman2k16, it's pretty obvious that the guy you are responding to is joking. So maybe next time you go into "look how smart I am" mode, use a little bit of logical thinking as well.

0 Points Flag