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Anonymous commented at 2009-04-21 15:12:48 » #45365

Can't look up loli without getting bad shit liek this*barfs a little in rl*

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-04-24 18:37:39 » #46346

wat, no ribs? :(

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-01-02 01:32:31 » #191152

Jesus Christ, instead of complaining like a lot of little girls, you can blacklist guro. Don't have the five fucking seconds it takes to make an account here? Then either don't click on fucking guro just so you can bitch about it, or you can just not go on Gelbooru. Oh, I'm sorry, is imaginary (look up "fictional," by the way, it'll do you some good) pain and torture making you sick? Alright, fine, then blacklist it. Just don't fucking flood comment boxes with your "boo hoo, I don't like this" bullshit. If you don't like it so much, then why are you here? You could have easily checked the tags, dumbass. "Can't look up loli without getting bad shit liek this*barfs a little in rl*," oh my God, are you that much of a pussy? Either get over it or shut the fuck up, preferably both. Is someone forcing you to look at this? WHO is giving you this bad shit? Really, I want to know (no, I don't)!

7 Points Flag