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LivingCorpse commented at 2020-11-07 18:00:18 » #2574263

The new dress code has boost moral in the office.

4 Points Flag
FirstAnon commented at 2020-11-13 16:00:48 » #2575349

They're sisters right? Or is Lilith considered a clone? I've never been clear on that.

1 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2020-11-14 18:58:17 » #2575587

Well in genetics a clone can be seen as either a sibling (since identical twins are natures clones and might be the result of a zygote splitting) or an offspring of the clone template since they made using the template's DNA long after they were born.

But Morrigan and Lilith are like two pieces of the same person, Lilith being one-third of Morrigan's power removed from her body. It's less genetics (though she probably has her DNA too as she is flesh and blood) and more supernatural.

So short answer, Lilith would be a magical clone I guess.

3 Points Flag
twilight_jester commented at 2020-12-03 02:51:59 » #2579213

Plus Lilith is way more cute and prettier then Morrigan in my book.

3 Points Flag