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zooly commented at 2009-10-09 00:29:29 » #127030

WHYYYYYYY!??!?! Why coulnt they stay toghter TToTT they were suppper cuuute

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Anonymous commented at 2010-06-05 21:50:17 » #324010

Well, unfortunately Lezard HAD to decide to be a cock because of his obsession with Lenneth and Alicia had to pay the price for it. But considering Alicia was reincarnated into a happier life in the end, it wasn't so bad.

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Anonymous commented at 2011-02-08 22:18:08 » #613513

"Happier life" my dick! She barely recognized Rufus and tells him to grow up and stop being a pussy

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kamiwoo commented at 2011-03-08 22:21:37 » #647424

I agree with the anon above, at the end she barely give a fuck about Rufus, taking in consideration all he went to help her....
I agree they are a cute couple, but i still prefer to see Lezard fucking gods any time of the day.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-10-01 00:53:37 » #2027416

If I remember right, both Alicia and Rufus are killed by Odin in the original "true" timeline, only after Lezard killed Odin did they have the chance to be together, in other words, no lezard killing odin, no happy ending.

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