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zj0a2 commented at 2021-12-23 18:18:57 » #2674280

This must be the Japanese equivalent of the American trope that used to exist where the big tittied chick would sit there and talk a bunch of nonsense that was supposed to turn the viewer on but really was just corny and you wanted her to shut up. Japan dudes seem to do this a lot, and it's bled over into erotic fiction somehow, so I'll be reading a nice story but suddenly I'm in the freak zone hearing how she's a bitch and a slut and a whore for no reason. One minute it's pretty sweet and realistic, then suddenly takes a nose dive into the mud.

25 Points Flag
Squid13 commented at 2022-01-21 20:16:09 » #2682038

Yeah, that trope sucks. It's not about calling someone a bitch and a slut, that's just normal dirty talk.

But nobody fucking talks like "OOOH NEKO-CHAN MY PHALLUS HAS REALLY ENTERED YOUR VAGINA! My sperm will now proceed to ENTER your OVUM and we will have five hundred CHILDREN after nine months, neko-chan! MY children! MY CHILDREN IN YOUR VAGINA! MARRY ME!(...and so on for 10 more panels)" during sex.

I sometimes wonder if translators are just taking the piss out of us or if these things just can't be properly translated. Kinda like jokes

44 Points Flag