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Now Viewing: Your thoughts on "objectifying women"?
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supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1604
Posted on: 02/02/24 12:22PM

I think the issue here is the slacktivism of the younger adults of this current age we’re in, who think it’s enough to fight with words on the internet; give a simple yay or nay to whatever it is that they hear about, and call it a day. We can all agree that there is nothing to be accomplished by doing something so useless.

In previous times of history, similar phenomena happened, where suffragettes were told to have baking contests and serve drinks to veterans, civil rights activists had “peace march” protests that gathered them all in a single nondescript location and accomplished nothing because everyone ignored them, and workers are still to this day encouraged to complain to their bosses instead of going on strike.

The only difference is that, now, we have so much technology in the 21st century, and levels of comfort that guarantee a life free of almost every hardship that humans used to find inevitable in previous times. People don’t want to risk their safety and happiness for what they believe in, as Benjamin Franklin said, then they deserve neither.

TickTack said: Being excluded from the military participation is a blessing. You'll be able to live longer and enjoy your hobbies longer with your limbs intact.

While that may be true of contemporary warfare, like that of the Middle East, and now Russia, Israel, China, and Ukraine, if you were a woman and, let’s say a war has broken out where your husband may be killed, and your children are in danger, such as the American Civil War, then it would be very frustrating to be told to just stay at home while everyone around you dies and you can do nothing to influence the outcome, which will change the future for your entire life, and all of human history.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 629
Posted on: 02/02/24 12:39PM

Nah the issue here that there are too many idiots who just joins a movement without knowing where their money goes(it usually goes to the pockets of scammers) to or who they effect. They turn a blind eye each time their movement causes trouble which why many don't take their activism seriously and in fact hate them like me. And they scream, call you buzz words of names if you point out any flaws in their ideology. Also the mentality of "if you're not with us then you're against us."
They have no humility or self-reflection. Just misguided heroism and narcissism.

supremz said:
while that may be true of contemporary warfare, like that of the Middle East, and now Russia, Israel, China, and Ukraine, if you were a woman and, let’s say a war has broken out where your husband may be killed, and your children are in danger, such as the American Civil War, then it would be very frustrating to be told to just stay at home while everyone around you dies and you can do nothing to influence the outcome, which will change the future for your entire life, and all of human history.

And all faults goes to US government dragging everyone to their bs wars like 20 years ago. Luckily I am not an American so I couldn't give a damn what happens. Still it's better to stay at home because if you have kids you can take care of them, teach how to use weapons against looters and arsonist who will take advantage of the war and chaos.

TickTack - Group: Member - Total Posts: 629
Posted on: 02/02/24 12:48PM

"stay at home while everyone around you dies and you can do nothing to influence the outcome, which will change the future for your entire life, and all of human history"

Well that's life. It's not like a drafted civilian can change anything because it's the higher up that gets to decide whether or not to use the big guns. Civilians are just cheap fodder in their eyes and their billionaire buddies are going to take advantage of the lost of lives and buy their land just like when hawaii got turned to ashes and only the rich side didn't got burndown.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4291
Posted on: 02/02/24 01:05PM

supremz I find it amusing that you're playing dumb on why men would have a problem with modern feminism especially given the context of the conversation and the relevance it has today in privileged first world countries. Maybe you're doing it just for the sake of debate?

I'm not explaining why the shit load of bad takes that internet couch feminists perpetuate could become a very major nuisance/hindrance to the average man if it ever becomes truly becomes mainstream. And how badly it would affect men who don't conform to the increasingly insane standards.

supremz said:
“Gender equality” is not a desirable goal. What would that even mean? How are genders equal at all?

I mean this is a pretty dumb thing to say when gender equality has always been a cornerstone of feminism since its inception, and a lot of modern attack-dog feminists would tear you apart for even suggesting men and women aren't equal on every front. Have you ever considered the fourth wave feminists who want to abolish gender entirely? That should at least tell you that there are people who don't want to see any sort of perceived difference between genders and sexes.

I think the issue here is the slacktivism of the younger adults of this current age we’re in, who think it’s enough to fight with words on the internet; give a simple yay or nay to whatever it is that they hear about, and call it a day. We can all agree that there is nothing to be accomplished by doing something so useless.

In previous times of history, similar phenomena happened, where suffragettes were told to have baking contests and serve drinks to veterans, civil rights activists had “peace march” protests that gathered them all in a single nondescript location and accomplished nothing because everyone ignored them, and workers are still to this day encouraged to complain to their bosses instead of going on strike.

The only difference is that, now, we have so much technology in the 21st century, and levels of comfort that guarantee a life free of almost every hardship that humans used to find inevitable in previous times. People don’t want to risk their safety and happiness for what they believe in, as Benjamin Franklin said, then they deserve neither.

Nope, that's not the issue at all. And it's quite frankly, a very dumb, insane, and dangerous thing to suggest. You would rather the easily offended slackvists stay at home and get mad at internet shit all day, rather then meeting up at physical locations and fighting for a bullshit cause they have selfish ulterior motives for. There are some seriously mentally ill pieces of shit hiding under progressive labels, and I find the thought of them getting emboldened and causing mayhem on the streets with dozens of other mentally ill freaks unsettling and a little frightening.

Tell me, what exactly would modern feminists be doing highly disruptive or outright non-peaceful protests for? Assuming you're talking about privileged first world countries, what would be the reason for this in the modern age? I do not think there's any type of disruptive, aggressive, etc. protest that needs to happen now, but you're free to change my mind.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4291
Posted on: 02/02/24 01:15PM

TickTack said:
Because feminism is just mask and their actions and complains have nothing to do with gender equality. They only shame hetero males of what they like but never cared for onlyfans, prostitutes or twitch thots, nor they care if hetero females objectify males. Villains these days like to wear the mask of equality.

Jesus christ, this is one of my (current) biggest problems of the whole movement. It truly drives me insane, and words can't even describe it.

Why aren't more people seeing this?!?!

Nicht - Group: Member - Total Posts: 13
Posted on: 02/02/24 04:10PM

It's bollocks, like everything feminists espouse. Heterosexuality is not a sin and finding someone attractive is not objectification.

By their definition, everyone is objectified. Nobody cares that men are objectified as portable wallets for women, or emotionless worker drones and soldiers for their respective governments. And if you mention the lack of emotional support for men, they try to gaslight you into thinking it's a "toxic masculinity" issue and not a "men acting in a way that most women find attractive" issue. Reminds me of the term "benevolent misogyny" used to describe gender quotas and homicidal women getting light sentences.

It's all sophistry and mental gymnastics, but if you point any of it out, you are of course an incel. Don't point out that feminists are insisting that western women are woefully oppressed, but they somehow self-report much higher happiness than their oppressors, live longer than their oppressors, get free government benefits and scholarships based on their sex that their oppressors do not, are preferred for employment over their oppressors, and so on. And I could live with all of that if they just didn't whine and moan about complete non-issues like sexy characters in a video game or the use of the word "mankind". Fuck me I hate the whining.

Back to lurking lads. Enjoy your day.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4291
Posted on: 02/02/24 04:55PM

Nicht said:
It's bollocks, like everything feminists espouse. Heterosexuality is not a sin and finding someone attractive is not objectification.

By their definition, everyone is objectified. Nobody cares that men are objectified as portable wallets for women, or emotionless worker drones and soldiers for their respective governments. And if you mention the lack of emotional support for men, they try to gaslight you into thinking it's a "toxic masculinity" issue and not a "men acting in a way that most women find attractive" issue. Reminds me of the term "benevolent misogyny" used to describe gender quotas and homicidal women getting light sentences.

It's all sophistry and mental gymnastics, but if you point any of it out, you are of course an incel. Don't point out that feminists are insisting that western women are woefully oppressed, but they somehow self-report much higher happiness than their oppressors, live longer than their oppressors, get free government benefits and scholarships based on their sex that their oppressors do not, are preferred for employment over their oppressors, and so on. And I could live with all of that if they just didn't whine and moan about complete non-issues like sexy characters in a video game or the use of the word "mankind". Fuck me I hate the whining.

Back to lurking lads. Enjoy your day.

Good post. I agree with most of it.

Especially with how misused the word "incel" has become, good god.

supremz - Group: Member - Total Posts: 1604
Posted on: 02/02/24 05:14PM

SadSap: I mean this is a pretty dumb thing to say when gender equality has always been a cornerstone of feminism since its inception, and a lot of modern attack-dog feminists would tear you apart for even suggesting men and women aren't equal on every front.

Equal rights as citizens, yes, but not as a gender. Feminism has a long history of celebrating the unique and independent nature of women from men, and in some cases have considered femininity superior to masculinity.

I’m not arguing with any of your other points because they’re strawmen, but you are free to believe whatever the hell you want. Internet subcultures are a very niche minority of the world and cannot count as an entire movement, and anyways I already agreed with you that they are part of the problem.

Just an aside, as a bonus:
“Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.”
- Timothy Leary

Hee-Ho - Group: Member - Total Posts: 2300
Posted on: 02/02/24 05:48PM

You said you want men to have basic respect towards woman, now you are saying that gender equality is a bad thing.

Saying otherwise is a "strawman" (onlyfan girls are fake lmao) and missing the point, good job showing us one of reasons why a majority of people, even womans, hates feminism as much as extremists (which they are).

If you actually read any history books about it and don't nitpick some events to prove your argument (like your Timothy quote) then you would know SadSap's and other people's statements.
Of course, you won't do that. Because you believe that feminism is a virtue which is far from the truth.

SadSap - Group: Member - Total Posts: 4291
Posted on: 02/02/24 06:02PM

supremz said:
Equal rights as citizens, yes, but not as a gender.

It's one and the same. A lot of historical feminism centered around the notion women can do things just as well (if not better) than men could. Equal rights wouldn't be achieved/considered if it didn't mean that men and women weren't equal in all the basic major functioning ways. And there are also some modern feminist movements that believe that men and women are basically interchangeable, biological sex be damned.

I’m not arguing with any of your other points because they’re strawmen

Not as much as a strawman as believing women unable to jump into war to avenge their dead husband/brother was actually a major point of injustice, lol. As clever of a unique response as that was, it's laughable to suggest that this is one of the things feminism was mainly concerned with. Name any modern war within the past 50 years and I can almost guarantee you that the majority of women in that country wouldn't want to sign up and fight for it. Let alone drafted involuntarily, dragged kicking and screaming.

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