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Date: Feb 15, 2022User: Bkgi39Rating: QuestionableScore: 68

c2h5oh commented at 2023-12-08 21:32:13 » #2849717

Google translate says:

What happened Ushiwakamaru? Are you not swimming? (Actually Google translate says "I don't swim" here, but I'm pretty sure that's not what it means.)
The main hall...!
I never relieve myself in the pool...
Hm? Isn't there something yellow around here?

Not sure this is completely correct, especially the part with "主殿" = "Main hall" doesn't seem to make too much sense here... Pronounciation is given as "Nushidono", maybe that's another character here?

4 Points Flag
showerpisser commented at 2023-12-08 19:46:59 » #2849705

Wish this had a translation

1 Points Flag


Date: Nov 7, 2014User: danbooruRating: SensitiveScore: 42

Void474 commented at 2023-12-08 21:10:16 » #2849711

Man, ignoring the lewd parts, this is just so mfing cute, I just cant help but smile

2 Points Flag

Date: Nov 23, 2023User: LightSolasRating: ExplicitScore: 178

desuer commented at 2023-12-08 21:00:57 » #2849710

In some of synchroaki's pictures of Fern her pubic hair looks a bit too messy, but in this one it's absolutely perfect.

0 Points Flag

Date: Dec 8, 2023User: SalChickenFingerRating: ExplicitScore: 126

SalChickenFinger commented at 2023-12-08 19:35:35 » #2849703

As an addendum, TNO told me he's gonna redo this animation to be more Christmas-y and with thicker thighs for Yoruichi. I think I'll likely post the updated version as the source instead of an all new post. Anyone else is free to upload it.

5 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2023-12-08 03:33:09 » #2849573

Daddy would you like some sausage?

8 Points Flag
Snodawg commented at 2023-12-08 03:21:05 » #2849570

I have been so distracted by background nonsense before. Freddy Got Fingered was such a ridiculous movie.

12 Points Flag



