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Anonymous commented at 2012-01-04 16:53:00 » #968537

Damn, took quite a beating... seen the proverbial sturdiness the old Jug had, it had to have been hell... at least he (or she) made it home (one of the things the P-47 is said to be famous above the almost totality of the other ally fighters planes... in shambles maybe, but it brought you back home after having received the kind of damage that would have disintegrated other planes).

A quite modified P-47 the one above... in ways no sane airplane designer would dare conceive if not under a massive douse of LSD. The three barreled... whatever-it-is under the fuselage is a physical impossibility, for one. It would interfere with the prop, and even if made short enough to stay behind the prop disk (and from here seems to be way too long to), it'd need to be synced with the prop to shoot... thing that cannot happen, since both the prop is four bladed (max blades number for syncing with through-the-disk weapons is three... more blades just don't make it work) AND it appears to be a rocket launcher and those cannot be synced at all.

3 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2012-01-04 18:02:28 » #968608

The tubes are flare dispensers, each with two flares that shoot out the back. The holes in the front are for priming before flight. The flares are suspended on small parachutes and can illuminate enemy ships for 2 to 3 minutes each for directing anti-ship artillery fire at night.

The guns are in the wings (Browning .50 cals) and fire outside the blades.

1 Points Flag
balmung60 commented at 2012-01-16 07:02:31 » #978305

Though there should be four on each side.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-09-19 23:47:28 » #1402294

Zigged when she should have zagged.

5 Points Flag