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Anonymous commented at 2012-12-02 13:34:21 » #1215642

Geez. I swear, the Rosario + Vampire anime was so far from the awesomeness of the manga. Is this supposed to be Issa Shuzen's anime counterpart? He doesn't look anything like Issa. The reason I don't watch the anime adaptation is because there's barely anything in it that matches with the Manga's plot. If I recall correctly, Tsukune doesn't exhibit any vampiric/ghoul powers in the anime, right? I know, they probably were using an original storyline for the anime for some important reason, but even so, they should at least keep as close to the canon storyline as they could. From what I've seen, the anime was mostly just more Fanservice, less content.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-30 13:33:11 » #1370042

The only thing the anime is good for is fap material, and it's not even passable at that.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-30 08:28:34 » #2428816

Well you know what fuck you Anon1 and2 fuck you!!!!!!!!

0 Points Flag