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Anonymous commented at 2011-06-10 12:50:51 » #767766

I hereby proclaim LuffyXShirahoshi to be canon.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-10 16:32:06 » #768023

And I second that motion.
What Im wondering now though...is whether or not the artists will be brave enough to actually make doujins of them.
You know, GTS action with Luffy using Gear Third and such.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-10 19:12:16 » #768174

Y'know Anon2, he could just go on an 'adventure' and crawl in.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-10 21:21:46 » #768304


Shirahoshi: "L-Luffy-sama...now that we're a ma-married couple, don't you think we should...well..."
Luffy: "We should what? Spit it out."
Shirahoshi: "W-we sould...consumate our love for each other?"
Luffy: "Consumate? And how should we do that?"
Shirahoshi: "W-well, I...don't really know much about it but...I-I think you have to get...i-inside me..."
Luffy: "Inside you?! Wait...you mean, inside your body?"
Shirahoshi: "Y-yes...*blushing furiously*
Luffy: "Heh, I hadn't thought about it but now that you mention it, your body sure looks spacious enough to explore! Like a giant cave!"
Shirahoshi: "A-A cave?...L-Luffy-sama...Im not sure about that..."
Luffy: "Nah its ok! I'll be the first one to explore your "cave"! It'd be an adventure for the both of us together!"
Shirahoshi: "To-together...Yes, Luffy-sama, p-please explore my c-cave to your heart's content..."
Luffy: "Ok, here I go!!"

Ok, there's the setup. Now lets hope someone decides to use it for an actual doujinshi. That'd be a happy day indeed...

35 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-07-08 22:51:31 » #803460

Luffy: "What do I do if the cave floods? I can't swim!"
*Shirahoshi faints*

To be honest Luffy could probably live in Shirahoshi.
Combination bed and trampoline, comfortable and cavernous living space *giggles*, guaranteed security *sea kings*, fast transport *she's a mermaid*

3 Points Flag