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Anonymous commented at 2012-01-25 11:04:11 » #986073

I'm somehow more curious as to what is wrapped around the dick.

5 Points Flag
nanashirider commented at 2012-01-25 15:21:35 » #986215

I think it might be a stocking

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-26 14:47:12 » #987059

She's an adorable nurse! ♥^^,

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-01-26 21:29:50 » #987309

Anyone else think it's ridiculous that the same artist has THREE different tags? And that the most popular one isn't even spelled right?

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-02-01 23:41:21 » #992643

She has a sister! gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1328730

And they have a doujin! g.e-hentai.org/g/388161/c36750b2bf/

6 Points Flag
goldoa commented at 2013-04-27 04:28:26 » #1310047

Anon3, I think it's ridiculous that the tag they decided on isn't what the artist calls themselves.
Since Danbooru are pretty much the policy makers as far as tags go (despite not being this site AT ALL), I tried convincing them to change it, but they were...well...I would call them stubborn assholes, but that'd be an insult to stubborn assholes... -_-

3 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2013-05-15 13:50:21 » #1321613

Think about it like this.

We do not apply hard aliases at all except in emergencies, so the tags will never be automatically changed when the post comes in from Danbooru.

So, if we differ from Danbooru's policies, the tag will be split. Posts coming in from Danbooru will still have Danbooru's tag whether it agrees with our policy or not, and we will still have a bunch of posts with the tag that we chose over Danbooru's.

This means that there will be two tags that you will need to search in order to find posts by the artists. This will need to be manually fixed for each post that comes in from Danbooru in order to match our policy.

To be honest, we really don't care enough about the tag to keep fixing tags just because you don't like the one Danbooru uses. We have better things to do with our time than to watch an artist tag for new uploads and fix the tags. Differing from Danbooru actually requires intervention on our part in order to make the tags usable at all, whereas just leaving the tags as danbooru uses them requires absolutely no effort on our part.

And no, we will not trust the community to make sure that the artist tag is kept up-to-date. This never works out.

On another note: There are circumstances where we have chosen to go against Danbooru's tagging policy. However, these are cases where we choose to go with a different meaning for a tag, not a different tag for the same meaning. We make these decisions for the purpose of making images more searchable, not for making the tags more accurate. If there is absolutely no difference between two tags in terms of searchability, there is no reason to against Danbooru's policies.

2 Points Flag
goldoa commented at 2013-05-24 18:57:18 » #1327042

Jerl, I'm not talking about "sitting" vs "seated" or something like that. This is the name Hisasi chose to be known as. It's his handle, which he signs ALL his work as. To phonetically spell it out when he has already provided a suitable romanization does him a disservice. Not to mention the entirely unnecessary "_(nekoman)" qualifier. Would you be fine with being referred to as "jeru_(geruburu)"? Because that would be ridiculous. Jerl is the name YOU (I presume) chose to call yourself. To call you something else for the sake of a few people's standards, when the overwhelming majority of those who know you call you by the name you decided on, would be insulting. If you Google "hisashi (nekoman)" and then Google "hisasi" the difference is staggering. So if you want to talk about searchability, which do you think is more searchable: a phonetic pronunciation decided upon by the mods on Danbooru (whose romanization system is widely inconsistent), or the name the artist calls himself and the name the lion's share of the internet knows him by?

PSY is not "Sai." Def Leppard is not "Deaf Leopard." The Beatles were not "The Beetles."

5 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2013-05-24 19:11:56 » #1327054


I'd just like to point out that "booru" is already Japanese, and that "booru" is pronounced with a double hard O (similar to boh-ru) so Danbooru would romanize it as "jeru_(gerubooru)" if it were originally in Japanese.

And yes, I would be completely fine with someone tagging me as such.

That said, no matter how much you whine and complain, this isn't something that is going to change. It isn't something that we can change. Like I said, we can't put an alias in place for it, so we can't force images coming in from Danbooru to use our tag, so we would be forced to manually keep it updated, which is not something we have the time or manpower to do, and is not the type of thing that we trust the community to put forth the time and manpower to keep up. In situations like these, even if we want to deviate from Danbooru's policies, we can't. We are not going to risk the tag being split into two by the community not putting forth the effort to keep them consolidated just to please one user and possibly an artist who will likely never visit the site.

If you want the tag changed, you will need to speak to Danbooru about it. There is no argument you can make that will make us change it here.

0 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2013-05-24 19:43:48 » #1327073

He already has spoken to Danbooru about it in the past and they told him no and he refuses to accept their answer and I then caught him copying and pasting the same comment on this artist works a couple of months ago try to get people to rally against Danbooru to change the tag.

He sent him a mod notice telling him not to use Gelbooru as a base to fight a silly battle against Danbooru over a tag, so he's already been told to let this whole thing go.

2 Points Flag