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Anonymous commented at 2012-05-08 06:16:09 » #1066279

Yukiho swallowed her fear and extended her hand towards Takane's supple breasts. She wrapped her trembling fingers around the soft pink nipple and gave it a gentle squeeze. Takane let out a sigh of pleasure as a small trickle of milk dripped forth. Yukiho moved her hand back in surprise, but Takane caught it and pressed it even closer. Yukiho could feel her face flush bright red; she looked into Takane's eyes and stuttered out, "M-m-may I?" Takane nodded while letting out another hot breath, sweat running down her cheek. Slowly, Yukiho leaned in towards the breast in her hand, before finally placing her open mouth around the puffy nipple. Her tongue moved in spastic circles around it as she sucked gingerly. Takane shuddered as a warm spray of milk erupted into Yukiho's mouth...

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