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KillerLoli commented at 2012-04-17 17:30:45 » #1051786

The art looked decent, then the last panel came along...

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-17 20:20:29 » #1051874

i've stoped watching the pokemon anime, can some one tell me if this really happened or did ash actually meet the main characters from the game ?_?

0 Points Flag
Nauran commented at 2012-04-17 20:36:35 » #1051889

If only this happened.

14 Points Flag
RitsuHasano commented at 2012-04-17 22:27:57 » #1051964

But... why is he in his original series outfit?

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-18 09:45:12 » #1052336

@RitsuHasano My guess is artist preference! After all Ash was at his best during the original seasons.

6 Points Flag
RitsuHasano commented at 2012-04-18 13:37:42 » #1052464

I dunno about that. Original Series was fun, but he was just too ignorant about a lot of things. Of course, that's likely part of his charm during the time. Learning the ropes as he goes along to become a better trainer, starting out as a butt monkey and dead last.

Advanced Ash was much more experienced about things and wasn't fully the doofus that Original Series Ash, though he still had some moments.

Diamond/Pearl Ash was... well, he seemed a bit TOO competent and mature at times. It makes sense to think that he grew as a trainer and person, but he was a bit on the boring side. Though it was nice he could think quickly about strategies. He was pretty much a mentor-type character for Dawn.

Best Wishes Ash seems like a nice combination. He's back to his somewhat doofus self, and is depicted as the kid he is supposed to be. He's definitely more entertaining than Diamond/Pearl Ash. His characterization seems to be done well.

I don't know, maybe it's just a bit of bias from me talking. If I were to choose, I suppose I'd say my top favorite iterations would be Original Series and Best Wishes, though more towards the latter because I prefer the character development he has gone through during the series.

12 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2012-04-18 14:43:21 » #1052491

I think one of the main preferences of the Original Series is that everyone was a new trainer and it made sense for them to make stupid mistakes, granted, Ash was an idiot even by newbie standards, but at least it was reasonable ignorance.

It doesn't make, therefore, intellectual sense for him to forget how to do anything he learned in the past, as they want him to be a blank slate character for a different generation.


4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-29 22:45:22 » #1060337

Ash actually met Bianca in the show btw

6 Points Flag
Zombie_Darkrai commented at 2017-03-06 21:44:23 » #2106135

Anonymous3 Also Cheren as well, except the BW2 Cheren.

0 Points Flag