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Anonymous commented at 2015-12-17 03:29:13 » #1866856

Been a fan of Tekken since the first game and I have to admit I know I will catch a lot of flack for this but I have never seen the appeal of this character. He is for newbs gameplay wise and his character itself is obnoxious how many dime a douzen " punk rowdy tough guys" do we need? And this asshole is supposed to be Jin Kazama's rival? Fucking pathetic. Yet another reason why Kazuya is better.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-02-10 14:45:45 » #1897703

All I can see is TRUE DAT.

2 Points Flag
ViperVice commented at 2016-02-10 15:09:11 » #1897715

I agree with you as I love Tekken too but to me the newbie characters are Eddy and Christine

2 Points Flag
.......WHAT? commented at 2016-10-23 05:01:44 » #2038182

Actually he is pretty cool. But him supposedly beating Jin in Tekken 5 is just asinine what was Harada thinking? Oh wait Harada is a clown I forgot. As far as shit game play goes well Kuma and Panda suck to play and are a pain in the ass to beat at least in the earlier games. As for newbs well i guess yes Eddy and Christie. We all know Kazuya can control the Devil which means when transformed he is indeed stronger but in base Jin would give him another stomping like in tekken 4.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-12-07 22:55:15 » #2311570

If any of you hardass fucks played with him, you'll see that he is difficult to master. Switching between his many stances to keep the opponent on guard isnt easy.

Personal bias: He's obviously the coolest. Good taste in fashion, listens to good music, doesn't give a fuck about authority, yet ALWAYS pays respect to his Master Baek.

1 Points Flag