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samantha_eve commented at 2013-05-30 00:18:40 » #1330253

OMG Yarne and Pannae!!

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-07 20:45:31 » #1336041

Looking at this makes me wish I was Yarne's father.

7 Points Flag
Lang2004 commented at 2013-07-27 16:51:22 » #1368129

Same here anon, same here...

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-28 17:27:51 » #1625187

I can tell you as someone that put my character with Pannae that meeting him was like beginning a father disappointed by a childs choices in life then finding out it wasnt there fault and you die alittle inside hating yourself and you go whole battles with Yarne, Pannae and your Daughter Morgan who are all bunnies, and enjoy life together like you never could with them before.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-21 22:59:59 » #1762418

As a Robin that was Yarne's father I can tell you it plays out like a melodrama between a father and son. A father disappointed by his sons cowardice and hesitation in a middle of a war My wife and I have killed and bled for. My son with an abandonment complex after his father and mother left to defeat Grima then never came back.
As the war goes on Yarne reconnects with his sister Morgan who he once again feels betrayed when she has no memories of him, but they come together anyways and Yarne opens his heart to her and eventually his mother. His confidence increases fighting alongside his mother and sister did not go unnoticed. His father Robin could see the coward he had met was a proud warrior and they reconcile their differences.

4 Points Flag