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Anonymous commented at 2009-08-23 23:40:48 » #99472

Hornet. The Honey Bees, sexier, more aggressive, BDSM sister.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-29 23:10:11 » #141277

I dunno, if I were in that world, instead of randomly screwing anything with a female figure
Id have a plan and a weapon to kill everything. now dont get me wrong, but i don't enjoy the idea that everything wants to kill me or capture me for either my soul or my package.

13 Points Flag
MidbossVyers commented at 2010-01-02 15:24:40 » #191561

Then I would stop you with my army of... friends.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-01-10 15:52:08 » #198876

the thing is hornets are stronger so i wouldnt be able to tie her up gag her clip her wings and cover her in honey

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-02 18:14:08 » #218252

I get what anon. 2 says: I imagine myself fighting them savagely XD

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-14 14:15:03 » #275485

Honey bees "drugs" you w/ the Alraune nectar then rapes you,
Hornets immobilizes you w/ Aphrodisiac venom (through a spear! youch! look at that thing!) then it rapes you.

masos will probably want hornets better(do they sting repeatedly or jut one time?).

if ur a vegetarian- go to bees
if ur a meat eaters- go to hornets

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-19 00:21:24 » #279322

So funny how so many people would just drop everything they had to be a sex slave. Don't have to worry about anything except having sex all damn day with sexy females, and there you have it: a perfect life, despite how absolutely simple, demeaning and purposeless it may be.

Show's just how damned freudian us humans are. Is Annon 2 right? Would you really want it? And if you did, would you regret it in the long run? And am I thinking way too much into this? Yes. Yes I am.

Fuck it--I'd hit that.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-27 00:11:10 » #415349

The above comment has as such, has just bitch slapped you all. Reasons for this cause is unknown.

3 Points Flag
neomaniak commented at 2011-02-10 15:00:48 » #615455

Our principal hole in life is mating with a healthy female/male (aka hot chick/dude) so our children may be healthy. That's why ugly dudes don't get much ass as the 'hot' ones, they're not healthy enough.

In other words, yeah, you problably would be damn happy for the rest of your life just being raped by that thing.

1 Points Flag
Applebloom commented at 2011-06-29 22:00:14 » #791245

"So funny how so many people would just drop everything they had to be a sex slave. Don't have to worry about anything except having sex all damn day with sexy females, and there you have it: a perfect life, despite how absolutely simple, demeaning and purposeless it may be.

Show's just how damned freudian us humans are. Is Annon 2 right? Would you really want it? And if you did, would you regret it in the long run? And am I thinking way too much into this? Yes. Yes I am.

Fuck it--I'd hit that."

^To whoever posted this comment...please oh please contact me! You are full of so much win

3 Points Flag