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Anonymous commented at 2014-04-08 02:03:27 » #1515601

Do boob jobs even feel good? I ask because I've never had one and it seems like it wouldn't feel all that great since to boobs are so soft and smooshy that you couldn't get enough friction..

10 Points Flag
doubleflame commented at 2014-04-28 17:57:04 » #1526288

It varies from woman to woman. Its mostly about how good she is at holding a dick between her boobs. Bigger boobs make it easier.

8 Points Flag
bhbbx394 commented at 2019-12-12 04:00:28 » #2468767

To anon 1, to me it feels just okay and the same goes for blowjobs. I still like them though because it's the idea that you're in between her tits or in her mouth that's really sexy. It's a mental thing at least for me it is.

3 Points Flag