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Anonymous commented at 2014-07-08 01:24:11 » #1564964

Story sucked, characters sucked, bosses sucked, leveling sucked, "level design" sucked, everything was too fucking linear, not just the hallways. The "leveling system" used points that I cannot remember what the shit they were called because I truly did not give a shit, but you just use these points to buy lame-ass buffs or useless abilities. The only choice you had in the "leveling" was which tree to complete first. The bosses were fucking stupid and annoying. They all consisted of literally just smashing the x or a button. Alternatively, you could use what little strategy there was to change the way the party's job structure so they could only now use their useless abilities to stagger and destroy the enemy. In addition, the summons were fucking transformers. The black guy who dual wields pistols and has an afro with a chocobo chick living in it; summons a humanoid goat that transforms into a fucking racecar.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-08 01:49:51 » #1564979

^ That's nice. But really, what will your non-constructive whining accomplish?

If you've got something to say about the image, then fine, by all means, you have the right to say it, but if you're just going to whine because a game doesn't suit your tastes while you're on an image board, don't waste your breath.

Tl;dr, if you don't like the source material, go look at something you DO like, or at least comment on the image itself a bit before you go off on a tangent of off-topic complaining.

As for the image itself, I can't help but wonder if it reaches Gelbooru's quality standards, because 1), the source is Deviantart, which is usually an indicator of a non-Japanese artist, and 2), the quality of some of the lines seems a bit iffy to me.

4 Points Flag