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Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 11:56:12 » #1553336

Naruto is just getting more and more ridiculous. When will it end already?

38 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 13:48:51 » #1553401

this is a show about Ninjas!?

66 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 16:08:09 » #1553460

If you don't like don't watch, no need to waste your time.
Also it's not getting "ridiculous", since the begining this show was about Ninjas AND Demons who can destroy mountains in the blink of an eye.....

53 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 17:15:25 » #1553494

I don't like yes, but once, I loved it. People have every right to critisize it. We also have the right to look at it to know how it will end.
It's not ridiculous because of, well, 'that', honestly I don't mind about Juubi. It's ridiculous because since the beginning of the war, it's nothing but deux ex machina and plot hole. Oversimplified and poorly written characted and plot, powers that are so unbalanced that it shame the Hogyoku.

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 17:33:08 » #1553502

Someone should tell Mike Wazowski this is how you do a scare.

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 17:57:29 » #1553513

whoo! monster bash!

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 21:38:58 » #1553596

10/10 Anonymous >> #1553502

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-17 22:26:59 » #1553616

@anon2: Naruto would like to be about ninjas but it's really a show about wizards who can do jump kicks.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-18 06:00:01 » #1553744

It's funny how people claim that they are entitled to grouch about a show they never did anything for, even as low as far as concerning themselves with learning the written Japanese language in which it is written.

Need i mention how different a language that's written backwards and from a culture that's as disparate to our own (western culture in general) as oranges are to apples? I could count the non-Japanese fans that actually got the meaning behind certain parts of the story on the fingers of my hands.

It's always about how the English dub influenced the story, because tissue forbid anyone should ever bother to read the subbed one.
It's always about how Sasuke this Sasuke that, when Kishimoto stated from the very beginning in very certain terms that the story will be about Sasuke and Naruto, not Naruto only. The manga is called Naruto because of the book that perv wrote, not because Naruto's name is the same. The story is about that book itself.

But most importantly, the story is about Kishimoto himself. I was disgusted and appalled when, his father died and the man, who's earned my respect both as a writer and as an artist, allocated nothing more than 5 days to make his peace and pay his grief. Did anyone on any forum discuss it? No, you were all bitching up and down about how the story makes no sense. About how it's all a block.

Did any of you ever stop to think that this man has a life beyond this manga? And that above all and everything, even if it's a labor of love, because fuck no you don't write elements of your life in a story if it's a sterile involvement, it's a means to provide food and table for his children and wife.

He stated that the reason Naruto got to meet his parents like he did was that after gaining the title of father, he could not bring himself not to give Naruto the chance to speak with them. Is that the work of a writer who has no idea what he's doing or that is disinterested in his work or worst as many have said, trolling his fanbase? No. That's the work of a human being who does what he enjoys most, a man whom you should all learn to respect and thank for a good story that for those who enjoy manga and anime, means something. You can lie all you want, Naruto, the story has touched a lot of us. Even if we don't acknowledge it.

Each time i look in the comments, here, on some forum in some chat, it's always the same damn shit soup that everyone is spinning around hoping for whatever reason to make sense of something they clearly never bothered to understand.

I've been with this story from the moment is was first released. I'll stick with it through thin and thick. Just as i've stuck with a lot of other stories i liked. I don't want to like every aspect of the story, there's no need to, a perfect, flawless story that would suit my tastes would be useless to me.

There's a saying in bargaining and trading. If the seller and the customer don't both walk away pissed of at each other then the sale went wrong. Same here. If at the end of this story i'll like everything inside of it then i won't find it worth reading again. But make no mistake, that does not mean i won't try to understand it.

46 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-06-19 10:02:40 » #1554343

Funny thing is, the writer did state in the manga that Naruto was originally supposed to be about demon magic.

10 Points Flag