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Anonymous commented at 2014-07-26 09:22:45 » #1575351

the goddess sees you!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-27 10:40:23 » #1575874

Deus. Ex. Machina. That fucking hack Kishimoto couldn't write his precious Uchiha out of the scum category, so he unleashes the ultimate Deus Ex Machina. "Look, see! Obito and Madara are NOT the worthless hunks of shit everyone thought they were! They were being controlled by this character who hasn't even been mentioned once in the entire series before hand!"

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-27 11:05:18 » #1575882

this fight reminds me of the boss battle in persona 4 golden

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-27 11:09:39 » #1575884

Like I said in another image, Kishimoto is simply not Kishimoto without gratuitous amounts of asspulls, pretentious morals like «HEY! Revenge is very bad ya see!?» and character & story development gone terribly wrong.

The finale of this crapfest of a manga just happens to be the absolute nadir of all of the story's problems with Deus Ex Machinas everywhere, characters fading to non-relevance and overpowered flat villains that no one cares.

4 Points Flag
DevilMayhem666 commented at 2014-07-27 16:40:47 » #1576022

She was mentioned a long time ago. She's the ten tails.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-30 23:13:09 » #1577776

Gotta agree with Anons #2 & #4. This is just another asspull from Kishi to paint his precious Uchiha in a more sympathetic light. Cuz' heaven forbvid we have villains who are genuinely evil (especially Uchiha villains who are genuinely evil), with no tragic past to fall back on for flimsy justifications. Wasn't the last genuinely evil villains, with no BS excuses, Hidan and Kakuzu (evil cultist and money-grubbing bounty hunter)?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-30 23:13:12 » #1577777

Gotta agree with Anons #2 & #4. This is just another asspull from Kishi to paint his precious Uchiha in a more sympathetic light. Cuz' heaven forbvid we have villains who are genuinely evil (especially Uchiha villains who are genuinely evil), with no tragic past to fall back on for flimsy justifications. Wasn't the last genuinely evil villains, with no BS excuses, Hidan and Kakuzu (evil cultist and money-grubbing bounty hunter)?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-31 20:17:09 » #1578269

and i think even kaguya is also been manipulated by the black zetsu

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-08-01 07:58:30 » #1578547

To be fair though madara is still an ass. Kishi didn't write anything to make him look more sympathetic. Obito, sure. He was manipulated into being evil and then he regretted it but madar never regretted what he did in the least. Only thing he probably regrets is trusting the black zetsu. If madara was still there he would still be trying to kill everyone.

3 Points Flag
DevilMayhem666 commented at 2014-08-02 02:17:38 » #1579050

Obito wasn't sympathetic. He was an idiot who committed crimes without regret until he got his ass kicked. Stupid "I lost, I must be wrong" logic.

6 Points Flag