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Anonymous commented at 2014-09-03 07:12:36 » #1596771

He was so much cooler like this...

An enigmatic mystery, a hidden threat manipulating and pulling the strings behind the scenes, hellbent on accomplishing his goals.

Before he became a disgruntled man with a childhood crush killed by his childhood friend, who was actually manipulated by the one who ruined his life, who was actually being manipulated by a black Soul Eater-esc entity made from the personality of a crazy god-witch person.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-09-14 04:59:11 » #1601898

@Anon1: When you put it like that, it makes you wonder how we got from how stealthy ninja exist in that world to people able to summon a battle aura the size of a small mountain and level shit like paperwork.

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