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Anonymous commented at 2014-09-20 04:20:21 » #1605176

How can she not tell

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-16 11:16:04 » #1653439

People want to ban drawings like this and put people who look at them in jail because ass holes like you actually do this. Difference between fantasy/imagination and real life.

38 Points Flag
ienjoyedit commented at 2015-10-29 08:11:57 » #1839151

My favorite part is the comments. I get aroused by the pics but the real turn on is the guys who comment. I get hot thinking of the things they say but hope they are just posturing not real abusers.
I had fun with my uncles and I'm not upset about it.

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-29 19:15:18 » #1839452

i wonder if this is based on a case from years ago, a man of middle eastern desent took his young daughter to a high school game. He had his daughter sitting on his leg just like this picture. Several people accused him of molesting his daughter because his hand was resting in the area of her vagina. He and his family said the others were mistaken and this was simply a proper way to hold a young child, this was how they do it in their country. Never did hear the final outcome.

12 Points Flag