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LordTouya commented at 2014-10-19 18:23:24 » #1620451

So, this is technically the first pic of Karis new design?

....i´m okay with that... as long as Davis stays FAR away from her

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-21 08:27:15 » #1621257

Why should that (Davis staying away from her) be the case? Unless you're in the Takari camp, then it makes sense...

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-23 10:24:37 » #1622296

dear anon 2, he's definitely on the other camp. i dont understand why people hates davis. i always find Davis far more interesting than tk. people likes tk definitely a closed introverts who likes people being cool and the rest besides him are shit. Davis got a big heart and seems really fun to hang up with.

14 Points Flag
LordTouya commented at 2014-10-23 18:49:02 » #1622566

And no brain...no leadingskills...a big mouth...gets everything by just wishing upon a star...is a stupid Tai clone...thinks he gets away with it...disturbed a Digimon when it took a leak...lets his Digimon beat up said Digimon...the list goes on

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-10-26 09:50:10 » #1623930

^you exactly troubled and didnt have that much friend LordTouya. go outside your room. there's many kind of people outside. you trap yourself on anime-kind characteristic of human. people are colorful like Davis and thats it: fun. pity you.

13 Points Flag