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menchii commented at 2015-10-26 11:19:34 » #1837493

If I were Quiet, I would be thinking give me a hit of that. You are just going to sit there for 12 hours or so. I'm going to be so bored.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-08-16 05:36:05 » #2158492

Eh, she's a sniper though, their number one skill has to be their aim. Second to rival that is their patience. There's a video where a sniper in a ghillie suit crawls only a few feet everyday or so before arriving at his sniping point. 12 hours of waiting for a sniper is just a normal day on the job. Hell, Quiet is posted at those ruins and stays there until you take her down. She was waiting for Venom Snake to make his move and try to incapacitate her.

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