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Psajdak commented at 2014-12-05 07:40:09 » #1646865

But seriously, was it so hard for Kishimoto to reveal Kakashi's face all these years?
Even as a child too...

Also, one more thing I don't understand - most of characters preffering one, or two colors for their clothing - Sakura for instance, why always make her wear pink or red?
Or Gaara with his brown oufits?

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-05 08:37:18 » #1646875

He wanted to show Kakashi's face, but after waiting so long he feels that we'll be disappointed no matter what we see.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-05 10:02:37 » #1646908

Hanabi: Nyo-ron~~~

I love how the movie promos are painting Hanabi as a bit mischievous

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-05 12:04:14 » #1646955

@Anonymous #1646875
Yeah and that terrible ending didn't disappoint anyone at all. That ending was a bigger sequel bait than Halo 2.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-05 12:21:16 » #1646960

The ending of Naruto was 699 which wasn't a sequel bait since it ended everthing Part 2 Naruto was about mostly about.700 was an epilouge which going to have a mini series on.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-05 13:59:43 » #1646987

@anon3 Kakashi's face will NEVER be revealed because it's what make Kakashi Kakashi. If the mask comes off then we'll start seeing him differently and Kishi doesn't want that.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-05 22:58:42 » #1647263

I think Kakashi's face is those mysteries you never want solved. Because then you end up with Darth Vader's origins, and we all know how many people like to think that never existed and was just a bad dream.

2 Points Flag