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Anonymous commented at 2014-12-21 09:24:11 » #1656280

Toneri most likely raped her while ahr was captured. If Naruto wants q pure waifu that has been tainted by another man's penis, then he had best go back with Sakura. Hell, he can even keep custody of Bolt.(Not Himawara though; She looks waay too much like hinata and was Prolly raped too)

The only reason ppl like Hinata atcall is because of her boobs. NaruSaku ftw!!!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-21 10:25:13 » #1656310

So you're saying that having been the victim of one of the most brutal and damaging crimes is a reason for you not to love someone?

What is wrong with you?

You've managed to piss off someone who has never even watched the series and gives zero fucks about the characters. Good job.

24 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-21 15:09:35 » #1656448

Keep crying Anon 1 because Santa ain't giving presents to butthurt children like you

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-22 11:52:00 » #1656930

Is that Gintoki behind Hinata???

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-22 13:17:44 » #1656972

Toneri. The man who got Reverse NTR.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-23 08:32:26 » #1657466

to the wase of semen whose comments are hidden due to downvotes some of my forum mates had this to say

First of all, any man who thinks a woman is somehow less of a person because they've had sex is a pathetic sexist loser who deserves to remain a virgin for the rest of their life.

And secondly, bitch did we read the same manga? Do you really think Naruto is some misogynist MRA creep who would abandon his wife if she were raped? Motherfucker, he'd rescue her and and he'd never judge her and he'd compassionately care for her and help her to emotionally recover from her ordeal because he is goddamn ninja jesus and nothing is more important to him than his precious people.

Even if Hinata got impregnated by the rape and decided to keep the child, Naruto would love that child and raise it as his own because again he is goddamn ninja jesus and he knows damn well what it's like to be an unwanted child and would never inflict that fate on another person.
Naruto wouldn't just raise it as his own, he'd drop everything to be the best motherfucking dad he could, then top it by becoming Hokage to be the dad of the entire village.

Then top that by becoming ninjagoddad of the entire fucking world, just to make the world a better place for his adopted son.

As much as I hate the whole 'Ninja Jesus' bit that Naruto ended up with, I cannot argue with either of these statements. They're just so much TRUTH.


I'm mostly appalled by the idea that this poster wants a Naruto who is so shallow and insensitive as to desert someone who was violated solely in order to hook up with someone that's "pure," ie., his Ship. If that's the kind of hero you want, then go fuck yourself, bro; I want no part of a dickface like that, no matter who the girls are or what the situation is. Seriously, that's just skeezy.

Especially because Sakura would punch

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-12-24 11:12:37 » #1658210

It's just Psajdak thinking he can get away with it by posting as an Anon. We all know it's you, Psajdak! You can't hide from us!

(Note: J/K. Psajdak would never proclaim NaruSaku. He's totally gay for the Sauce)

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-28 07:12:21 » #1696337

In a completely unrelated note, am i the only one who notices that Hinata is wearing neither pants nor panties on a bed in front of her children who are clearly digging that?

2 Points Flag