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Psajdak commented at 2015-01-04 13:19:55 » #1664422

I can't help, but notice an intruder on this picture.

4 Points Flag
Psajdak commented at 2015-01-04 13:21:12 » #1664423

Hint: that intruder isn't male.

4 Points Flag
ShiftKey commented at 2015-01-04 13:38:44 » #1664437

Is it Sasuke?

24 Points Flag
Chuster commented at 2015-01-04 13:52:44 » #1664442

Team Forced-Relationships, go.

7 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-01-04 14:06:22 » #1664460

I do love how this pic shows the individual growth on each of these 3. Hinata is more confident than ever, Sakura is fierce and no longer stays behind, Sasuke is no longer a lone wolf, and Naruto stays true to himself while still listenning to others (that's why he's in this position on the pic : he's no longer charging up front).

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-05 02:20:12 » #1664833

most forced relationship here is sakuhina friendship; dunno where the fuck that came from, though narutards will prolly call me retarted for not reading "properly"

5 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-01-05 12:28:37 » #1665029

Anon : while not as close as ino, sakura's always been close to hinata. Although it is true it has never been explicitly displayed until Pain's attack, it became evident from the way Sakura lectured Hinata for her unsafe actions.

That said, you had no need to call fans "narutards", even if i do agree with you that the "not reading properly" answer that gets thrown here and there is not a respectful one either. Peace, man, peace. ;)

12 Points Flag
Psajdak commented at 2015-01-05 13:49:38 » #1665049

Sakura close to Hinata?

Being close doesn't mean saying few words in series that lasted over 15 years.

I read whole manga, and every anime episode so far, and they never had even one proper talk at all.

Hell, I even don't remember Hinata having any proper talk with her teamates, now that I think about it.

6 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-01-05 14:01:50 » #1665054

Tell me Psajdak, how close did you think Hinata and Hanabi were, before the recent flashback 2 parter that explained it ? Or, if we stick to team 8, how much inner talk have you seen of them while following the exploits of team 7 ?

Just because it's not explicitly developped before your eyes does not mean it's not there. And thank to the anime script being supervised and approved by the mangaka himself, character developpement exclusive to the anime can be seen as canon (would not be the case otherwise). There are still a few other differences here and there, but you get to see characters differently in the anime, in a way that explains events and lines of the original manga.

As to team 8 not aving a proper falk in anime episodes, i suggest you stop skipping half of them. I've not seen the first season episode in a while yet i remember clearly several of them being dedicated to the team's inner working, dialogues included...

15 Points Flag
Psajdak commented at 2015-01-05 14:28:15 » #1665066

No, I don't skip anime only episodes, but still, fillers are fillers.

Proper talk - Shikamaru and Shikaku talking while playing shogi was proper talk, or Jiraiya and Naruto, Naruto and Kushina, Sasuke and Sakura when he was leaving, Sasuke and Hashirama, Hashirama and Madara, etc...

It doesn't exist if it isn't shown (although, realistically speaking, they probably did talk); those two episodes about Hanabi...
Well okay, although that was also filler, and it passed crazy long time since the beginning of anime to these episode, Hanabi was neglected.
But even with those episodes, it was still too little.

I only count shown things, and aside from training with Neji, and kinda having brother-sister like connection to him, I always saw Hinata as someone who admires Naruto, and who, aside from most likely ending up with him, didn't have any kind of relationship with people that don't have anything with Naruto.

There is a reason why people often call Hinata "Naruto's satellite", and there are bunch of jokes with collections of many panels where she says Naruto-kun.

1 Points Flag