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Anonymous commented at 2015-03-01 14:15:54 » #1697025

One of these Uchiha are not like the others...

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-01 14:30:26 » #1697028

Only female Uchiha are worth something.

13 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-03-01 15:03:10 » #1697037

Well, Izanami was created by a female Uchiha with Mangekyo Sharingan after all...

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-03 03:52:59 » #1697928

Ah yes, and once she stubs her toe or something and activates that accursed Sharingan, the whole cycle of raging emo bullshit will start anew.

They should have culled the Uchiha line at Sasuke.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-03 11:58:21 » #1698113

With ancestry like that... Yeah, poor, poor Sarada. Her future is not bright.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-04 02:58:22 » #1698578

Madara: "...Bruh..."

Keystrokes, bruh.

5 Points Flag
akaaoi commented at 2015-03-06 05:53:54 » #1699994

Man, the manga artist really did love screwing over Sakura, didn't he?

Never gives her a worthwhile fight after Sasori.

Near the end, he gives Naruto healing powers that she can't match (saving Might Guy).

And when she manages to have a kid with the boy she spent years fangirling over, the kid's the first Uchiha ever with eyes bad enough (before even getting the Sharingan) to need glasses.

10 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-03-06 14:38:56 » #1700201

akaaoi : then again, having a poor eyesight does not stop one from being very accurate with eye prowess. Remember how bad Itachi's eyesight was before his fateful fight against Sasuke ?

Besides, i'm pretty convinced, from several hints here and there, that the sharingan does not need the actual hatred or bloodshed to activate. It rather needs the emotionnal outburst that comes with them. All Sasuke have to do (and that's probably why he's having his travels, as an adult and father) is figure out replacement emotionnal outburst to allow his daughter to activate her eye without suffering in the process, like all her ancestors have. In other words, make her the first of the new Uchiha and new Uchiha way, with Sasuke the last of the old ones and their curse of Indra's hatred.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-12 16:52:47 » #1703496

Sakura is a very anti-feminist character. She longs for a guy that is not only abusive, but completely and openly rejects her. As an enemy, he nearly kills her several times. As an ally, he never protects her in battles where she is vulnerable.

If this were a more adult manga, perhaps Naruto would be Salad's (Sarada's) real father. It would then make sense, for a variety of reasons, for those "in the know" to lie and pretend Sasuke is her father.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-13 00:24:33 » #1703709

Let's hope she takes after Itachi.

6 Points Flag