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mrseyker commented at 2015-03-19 17:08:19 » #1707517

Dear lord, so fucking beautiful.

I want to take that hand.

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-20 03:06:27 » #1707803

She really does have the best personality and looks in all of anime :D

21 Points Flag
Psajdak commented at 2015-03-20 17:37:13 » #1708035

Hinata, I hear North Pole is a really nice place this time of year...

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-20 18:06:50 » #1708048

I think she is No good either. It seemed like she could have more dimensions as a character, but it is downgraded to a stereotypical submissive fantasy girl whose only goal in life is a single man, which is cutting off her dimensions. Her everything revolves around Naruto, for Naruto, being with Naruto making him happy etc., there is nothing much other than that.

In addition, her shyness and her reasoning only being the man she loves making her appealing for many people in her fanbase.
She is a weak combatant. That is fact. Not because she did not surpass Neji, he is actually a too strong of a guy; she is overall weak; she does not have impressive set of skills battlevise, No intelligence feats; she never shown actual thoughts during her battles, only seeing further with byakugan. People overrate her battle skills as much as they overrate her one-dimensional personality.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-21 00:46:44 » #1708231

Hinata has only had two battles and each were with opponents far stronger than herself. And you can most definitely not say she has no skills since she developed her own orginal jutsu in the form of the Lion Fists and she did show to have greater range with her Byakugan than Neji and outlasted him in the war as far as stamina goes. You're the one underestimating her.

As for the rest, you outright ignored her desire to better herself to gain the acknowledgement of her family and to change the Hyuga. Of course, this was tossed aside like many plot points in the manga thanks to the shit writing.

Her character revolves around Naruto in some way and her character that didn't involve him weren't expanded upon? Right, you mean like 90% of the cast? lol

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-21 00:50:07 » #1708233

And Hinata isn't submissive either, since she slapped Naruto and TNJ'd him herself.

Meanwhile, Sakura acts like a complete doormat around Sasuke.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-21 02:59:54 » #1708294

@Anon 5 I agree with the rest of your post but, when was her goal was to change the Hyuuga thought that was Neji and Naruto plan? Also she been gain Hiashi acknowledgemeant since after the chunin exams all that was left was to better herself to well herself.

7 Points Flag