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Anonymous commented at 2015-03-28 17:04:30 » #1712253

Guys only like Hinata for her physical appearance and see Naruto as a self-insert for themselves at having that "perfect waifu", and vice versa when it comes to girls who like such an undeveloped pairing.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-29 18:37:36 » #1712892

sorry but hinata is the worst character in anime...

i had see better shy girl wiht pantalones..

she.. useless crybaby wiht big tits who nnever do someting (unless is filler) and never care about her village or teh world, only care what her whore pussy want....

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-29 20:00:50 » #1712927

Hinata has had very little actual development after the Chunin Exams, much less any real, meaningful interaction with Naruto outside of a battle. Even Neji's death served absolutely no point except to force Naruto and Hinata together in some way.

2 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-03-30 01:05:25 » #1713062

Indeed, declaring her love, sacrificing her life in a rescue attempt, and later snapping naruto out of despair and depression (when neji died), is clearly being useless and having no character development... (facepalm)
Some people need to check facts before throwing statements.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-30 16:59:57 » #1713436


The same (three) talking points diehard Naru/Hina fans have; confession, attempted "rescue", and Neji's death. Three points out of 698 chapters, only around 15 chapters of which even have Naruto and Hinata in the same panels. You call that "development"?

She admits that she believed she would die and that she was being selfish. She was essentially making a deathbed confession, not expecting to have to deal with it afterwards, and they never do revisit it in the manga. And the "attempted rescue" is purely anime-only, added in by Studio Pierrot who is on record for loving Hinata and hating Sakura. The manga never has Hinata actually trying to pull out any of Pein's rods. She just confesses to Naruto, then charges at Pein and gets owned.

They never have Naruto and Hinata actually conversing with each other at all normally and the times they do interact are largely one-sided, especially in terms of any romantic context, usually just Naruto saying some things and Hinata fainting, truly getting to know one another, actually trusting each other's abilities, and so on.

And again, Neji's death served absolutely no purpose other than forcing Naruto and Hinata closer. Kishimoto admits this himself.

That is not actual development either in character or in pairing. If you believe otherwise, then you truly are desperate to cling to anything that appears to justify the pairing and just don't care about the cost to the other characters, plot, and morals we came to know in order to "win". The logical fans despise the ending not (solely) because of pairings in general, but because of that cost.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-30 19:10:51 » #1713497

Yeah, Hinata is the cause of everything wrong with the story.

And of course she's an unimportant, meaningless side character. All you have to do to prove it is ignore all of her scenes and diminish their impact on the story because "not enough panel tlme".

Lets ignore that Naruto didn't think much if her at first, and then he saw her struggles and identified with them. He cheered for her, swore on het blood (tell me, how many times has Naruto done such for anyone). Or the fact that he confessed to her his own doubts, dropped his mask around her (also something he rarely does even among his closest relationships) and she restored his confidence by speakin of his strengths.

Lets ignore that despite her crippling shyness she saw those strenghts, aknowledged them, admired them, used them as inspiration to change herself. How she returned said strength to him when he was down (two times, both incredibly important moments in his journey).

Yes, lets paint her sacrifices as acts of selfishness and diminish them, even if they are the complete opposite, that Naruto aknowledge them as important. That her actions stand out like a sore thumb precisely because her love for Naruto stands apart from others and they have real impact on the story. She loves him for whom he is, lets shame and belittle her character for that.

Or how about you accusing others of using filler to paint her character in a better light in reference to the Pain flashback, even when Kishimoto canonized it in The Last (and had already indicated that there was a scene in the anime that was added on his prompt around the time of her anime confession).

And yet you use that very same filler to bring her character down by speaking of how she can't talk with Naruto without fainting, when there is only one relevant faint in the manga (the first time she saw him after the time skip which is understandable), and she can talk with Naruto perfectly fine before and after that.

Everyone hates the ending, that's why the last volume sold so well, and the Last made a shit ton of money, and Naruto is very much in an upswing i popularity after a slow decline that was completely unrelated to Hinata and her harmful impact on the story and themes.

You acuse us of being fanboys of a bad character, and yet your salt at said character's popularity, well documented in polls, manga sales and the collective freak outs the fandom had when she confessed and died and got wirh Naruto, is limitless and you will never get over that feeling.

She is important, and you read the manga wrong. Nothing will ever change that.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-30 20:26:36 » #1713520

The rescue attempt is not an invention of the Anime. It's there in the manga, clear as day.

It was a futile attempt because Hinata is one of the physically weakest characters in the Konoha 12, and she was going against the most powerful antagonist in the story at the time.

It was foolish. Naruto knew it, she knew it, the reader knew it. But that's precisely why it's not a selfish act, despite her claims.

Because she can't stand idle when Naruto is down, even if she knows she has zero chances of winning the battle.

She must at least try and make a difference.

And are those qualities why, even if she's physically the weakest, people think of her as a stong character, and her popularity skyrocketed after her confession. In Japan and elsewhere.

She is like early Naruto. She is like Lee.

She is a shy girl, with limited strenght and skills, trying her damnest to find confidence and change what people, including herself, think of her.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-31 21:00:48 » #1714035

"Yeah, Hinata is the cause of everything wrong with the story."

No, things were not completely wrong until they forced to be made that way in order to accommodate a single pairing that has had very little actual development. A few "key" moments does not justify them getting together, getting married, and having kids. What did they truly know about each other outside of what they have simply seen of the other? Next to nothing.

Sure, she saw something of Naruto that he previously hadn't done in front of others (which is moot since everyone now knows about that side of him), but that is a far cry from actually understanding him as a person, much less any of the pain he has gone through throughout the story. The hardships Hinata went through as a kid are a heaven compared to what Naruto has gone through and she was never exposed to that side.

"And of course she's an unimportant, meaningless side character. All you have to do to prove it is ignore all of her scenes and diminish their impact on the story because 'not enough panel tlme'."

And yet, people like you will gladly ignore all of the MANY times of development between Naruto and Sakura, as well as the parallels drawn between them and previous relationships, just to bash on that pairing. And I'm not ignoring the scenes. I'm simply saying what few things we did get does not automatically justify the pairing. If Naruto and Hinata actually spent time together outside of battles, actually hung out and conversed with each other, sure, I would probably think differently, but they had none of that.

If you want a comparison, it's like in Digimon, with how Sora and Yamato/Matt end up together in the end, despite all the times Tai and Sora were developed, actually talked with each other, supported each other, even the first movie showing they have a special relationship whereas Sora and Yamato have barely spoken to each other at all by comparison throughout both Seasons 01 and 02, much less supported each other or shown to be developing any relationship themselves. That result made so little sense that their respective VAs (both Japanese and English) were confused about it.

"Lets ignore that Naruto didn't think much if her at first, and then he saw her struggles and identified with them. He cheered for her, swore on het blood (tell me, how many times has Naruto done such for anyone). Or the fact that he confessed to her his own doubts, dropped his mask around her (also something he rarely does even among his closest relationships) and she restored his confidence by speakin of his strengths."

No, it was Hinata who identified with Naruto after watching him. All Naruto saw was a "weird, dark girl". Swearing on her blood does not automatically mean he suddenly was in love with her. Are you conveniently forgetting the type of person Naruto was? It wouldn't matter to him who was in Hinata's position, if there was someone in such a position, whether it was boy or girl, adult or kid, Sakura or Hinata, he would've done the exact same thing. He's that kind of guy (or used to be anyway).

He also cheered quite loudly for Sakura (the entire match too, not just in an attempt to stand up for her when bullied like Hinata), again, since you conveniently choose to ignore.

"The rescue attempt is not an invention of the Anime. It's there in the manga, clear as day."

Yes it is. Go read the manga again and then watch the anime. All that's in the manga is Hinata speaking and confessing, rushing in at Pein, getting owned by a Shinra Tensei, then stabbed. It was only the anime that gave her an extended fight sequence and trying to pull the rods out of Naruto.

You may find it admirable what Hinata did, but any logical fan can look past that and also see how stupid it was too. Her "loving" action almost resulted in Naruto releasing Kurama from the seal and finishing what Pein started and then some, and if by some miracle he was able to be brought back from that if it had happened, how do you think Naruto would feel knowing that he himself was responsible for it?

And before you try to say his resulting anger is further proof of anything, again, don't forget what kind of person Naruto was. Anyone in Hinata's position, from Sakura all the way down to a nameless villager, would've had the same results.

This is also something Sakura understood because she actually witnessed it happen before at the bridge, and has been exposed to much more understanding of Naruto's feelings and hardships ever since learning of his being a Jinchuriki during the Rescue Gaara Arc.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-03-31 21:08:16 » #1714037

Can this stupid argument just end already?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-01 16:37:04 » #1714467

As soon as people who care only about the pairings, and more than willing to sacrifice the plot, other character development, and morals that were taught, in order to force one certain pairing, are able to take off their rose-tinted glasses and see just how the Naruto franchise was mauled because of one anime studio's bias and the author selling out to them.

Sales of the manga, viewership of the anime, sales of the games and other merchandise has plummeted ever since chapters 699-700 and The Last, and the latest convention's Naruto booth was pretty much empty (whereas the Gintama booth right next door was packed to the brim), and the booth even had virtually no Hinata pictures, few The Last versions of Naruto pictures, and more early Shippuden Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi pictures.

2 Points Flag