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MyPitah commented at 2015-03-31 17:27:22 » #1713944

Actually there are differences. I agree with you that those differences don't mean one is superior to the other, but you can't write a male character and a female character the same way (unless maybe if you intend to write a tomboy).

With that said, i don't know if Kishi is an actual sexist or if it's just a role writing block he has, and either i don't intend to defend him. What is done is done, we have to adapt to the story Kishi made. Why not by adding our own stories to his to make his universe more complex and rich than it already is ? :)

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-04-01 10:27:54 » #1714337

Have you ever thought maybe that it's the fandom that is sexist? A girl with a apron is apparently "useless" but when Minato wore one he was adorable? Just saying...

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-15 13:23:02 » #1950603

While Sakura is strong and overcame many obstacles i still cant forgive the young Sakura who basically abused Naruto for breathing in her general direction. It may be an over-reaction on my part but her fangirlishness makes young Sakura absolutely revolting in my eyes.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-15 14:26:37 » #1950654

"Abused" is a tad harsh; she didn't like him, and she wasn't obligated to. He came at her overenthusiastically at times too - remember when he pretended to be Sasuke in order to trick her into kissing him? That was pretty messed up.

But they were all kids, they all needed to grow up into better people who thought about others more than they thought about themselves. Besides, most of those things were played for humor and not meant as a deep psychological scope into the characters' internal workings.

And I always keep coming back to this - they are all Kishi's puppets, not one of them is capable of acting on their own. Literally everything you ever hated about how any Naruto character acted? That's all on Kishi. So you shouldn't hate Sakura, you should hate the way Kishi wrote Sakura.

6 Points Flag