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Anonymous commented at 2015-05-05 00:53:03 » #1734486

About 5 years ago i could say i was straight, but now i just don't know....

73 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-05-05 03:56:21 » #1734565

Dat bulge looks... weird.

41 Points Flag
IchigoRadiance commented at 2015-05-06 15:49:56 » #1735425

@Anon 1. You probably are straight, or if you aren't not for this. Being attracted to a feminine character, and who may be transgender is nothing to worry about when it comes to your sexuality. Liking "traps" (the term should ideally be used only in reference to people who choose to claim the term as their own label, or for anime characters) doesn't make you gay if you're male. Gay men aren't into transsexual women, because they see them as women, just as those transsexual women see themselves. At the end of the day, what matters more irl is not what is between your legs, but what is between your ears. People worrying about whether they are straight or gay for liking a transsexual woman would probably know right away if they were attracted or not to a transsexual man. Like, look at Buck Angel and tell me you'd be straight (if male) for wanting to have sex with him. If it is about the sex organs, then really the terms straight and gay have no meaning. They become restrictive whereas they should instead be self-descriptive. If it is about sex organs, then phallophilic would better describe somebody who is attracted to penises. But we are not usually attracted to just the sex organs, USUALLY that is. Before even seeing them, we know who we are attracted to, and if the sex organ is enough to turn that around, that's not called being straight, that's just having a preference within their sexuality, and liking somebody despite their sex organ isn't gay, that's just another preference within their sexuality.

31 Points Flag