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Anonymous commented at 2015-07-03 16:43:07 » #1770321

My main problem with Gaiden is...what purpose does it really serve to the overall narrative? Similar to The Last, which promised "explanations" to the manga, but never did, it was largely nothing more than pairing pandering in the end (which it doesn't do a very good job at overall either, just like The Last).

Who cares about that? I never saw why pairings in general were such a huge deal. If there happen to be any, what I care about is the "how", not "who + who" in general. For example, Naruto could get with an Edo Tensei'ed Kin or Tayuya for all I care so long as the narrative and development of both the characters individually AND mutually throughout the story constantly and consistently supports it. I just don't get that with Naru/Hina and Sasu/Saku, so things like The Last and now Gaiden makes the "romance" and "drama" feel very forced to me rather than believable.

It's more, whatever happened to the ninja battles we loved in Part 1 (now downgraded to an attempted poor man's DBZ fighting) where there was much more strategy and deception and such? Whatever happened to the lessons that were taught that are now constantly contradicted? Whatever happened to the characters we came to know who are now downgraded or complete 180s of themselves? And so on.

Gaiden doesn't even do that much set-up for the Boruto movie (which feels weird to call it as such since Boruto did squat in Gaiden). I thought this was supposed to set up "the next generation", but it's the "old" generation that does most of the action and drama in Gaiden. It doesn't help that a bunch of things were simply rehashed ("Akatsuki", Kamui, and such) and other things with no explanations...

What was the point of Shin mentioning Itachi as the reason for hating Sasuke?

Whatever happened to the "revival of Akatsuki"?

Why did Karin have Salad's umbilical cord to begin with?

Where did Sakura ever find the time to get pregnant and then chase Sasuke?

How could Naruto NOT know about Sakura being out and chasing Sasuke for 9+ months and such?

How could Orochimaru simply be let off and continue experimenting, even after finding out that he was still doing it?

How could there not be any big panic over Salad and ChouChou just waltzing out of the village like that? How could Shikamaru just let them when he knows there are people out there who would target Salad?

...and so on.

Call me a "hater" if you must, but it feels like the Naruto franchise started going downhill for me ever since Kishimoto's first editor, Yahagi, left after Sasuke got the Mangekyo Sharingan, until the War Arc, the ending, The Last, and/or Gaiden was just full of forced drama, unanswered plotholes, so much "tell, don't show", Uchiha Clan wanking, just bad writing in general.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-03 16:50:15 » #1770323


Give it some time. In 6 years or so we'll look back at all of this garbage and go like:

"Jeez, this was all just a load of poorly-written asspulled dogshit, I'd rather eat out the rotten asshole of a roadkill skunk than read any of this again."

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-03 19:34:15 » #1770389

I'm seeing an awful lot of "I this" and "I that" in #1770321's post. Just because you don't care about pairings, doesn't mean the large subset of the fanbase that does is unimportant. It means a lot to a lot of people.

Since we don't know all the details of the new movie or all of the plans going forward, we don't know the relevence of some of the events of the gaiden in the movie.

However, thanks to the gaiden, we do know the motivations of many of the new generation characters (Bolt's animosity towards his father, why Sarada wants to be Hokage, Sasuke's reunion with his family, hints towards the nature of the threat in the movie, etc.). It also served to tie up loose ends from the original manga (the whereabouts/fate of Orochimaru, Kabuto, Yamato and the rest of Team Hawk, why Kaguya was building a Zetsu army and the restoration of the Uchiha clan via the Shin clones).

As for your questions:

Sasuke killing Itachi, the martyr of the Uchiha clan, would not be looked at fondly by members of the clan and was used to motivate the Shins in hunting him down.

The revival of the Akatsuki was cut short with the death of Shin.

Preserving the umbilical cord is a tradition in Japanese culture that is supposed to bring good fortune. Allowing Karin to keep it shows a bond of respect for Karin's help in Sarada's birth.

The flashback that revealed Sasuke's mission shows that he returned to the village before Sarada was conceived. Sakura was impregnated before Sasuke left. Sometime before Sarada was born, Sakura joined up with Karin to search for Sasuke (likely to inform him of her pregnancy).

Sakura could have travelled in secret or simply was out travelling for the duration of her term, meaning Naruto (burdened with the responsibilities of Hokage) would never have seen her pregnant.

Orochimaru was being closely monitored by Yamato. If he acted out of line, the village would have intervened.

Naruto was aware of Sarada and Chouchou's presense from the start and protected them the moment they were in trouble.

I'll admit the writing became a little cliched by the end of the war, but nothing was without reasonable explanation and the gaiden served to shore up unanswered questions and throw in a little drama on the side.

8 Points Flag
Banecraft69 commented at 2015-07-03 20:47:05 » #1770424

So, where's that shit who called me an idiot?

Me +1
Idiots -1

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-03 21:50:57 » #1770448

Honestly, this whole gaiden thing seemed like an excuse for more Uchiha angst (luckily, Sarada didn't stay emo at the end).

I just find it disappointing that Karin wasn't the mother (not because of pairing wars crap), but because it would have been a nice theme to show that parental/child bonds can be very strong without being biologically related, but of course Kishi had to take the cliche way out.

And the ending to it was just weak

5 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2015-07-04 02:25:13 » #1770562

Actually, anon #1770448, Kishi used both ways out. When they exit the cave, Karin still thinks Sakura is not her biological mother, but understands that she's still her real mother, being the one who raised and loved her. She'll get to learn the truth later (maybe from her parents once back at the village, maybe from Suigetsu when he goes back to see her...)

So, all in all, Kishi instead of choosing between one way out or another, found a way to use both at the same time.

As for Sarada being emo, er... She never was, you know. Who would not be angry and shocked upon discovering one's seemingly been lied to one's whole life ? But because she was not affected by Indra's Curse (since it is broken now), she remained reasonable and listenned, and that saved her from going dark. That's a big revolution here for the Uchiha bloodline, and a hint at a bright future for the clan.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-04 06:27:38 » #1770645

Meh, in the end all I get is that Gaiden only works/is enjoyable if you practice your "suspension of disbelief" on a high level. And whatever it add for the story or the character ain't much brillant. Time to move on.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-04 11:21:32 » #1770709

In Sasuke's eyes, Sakura's role always was beíng nothing more than a chilbearer, and that's it.

So they married, so what. After so many years of not seeing eachother, and he can't even give a decent farewell to his wife? even a poke would have been preferable, but Sakura didn't even get that, just for laughts apparently, I mean really?

I don't care about anyone who tries to justify the attitude of Sakura, Sasuke or Sarada; sasusaku fans or not, there are things that are simply wrong, Sasuke leaving his wife expecting for a simple show of affection that she hasn't received from him in many years, for example. But of course, Sakura forgives him instantly and justifies Sasuke's attitude because that is, has been, and would be her only recurring role on this story along with many other characters, included Naruto himself, where practically their existence is based solely on the porpuse of glorify Sasuke, and that will not change anytime soon. Even worse, it seems Sarada apparently has inherited the arrogance he had when he was in the genin academy, so we probably will get a female sasuke who most likely will be a mary sue who can throw puches as strong as Sakura after her training under Tsunade, but apparently, without ever trained in her life.

Moreover, the attitude of Sarada isn't believable, a girl who has never seen his father not forgive so easy when found, much less if Sasuke treats her and her mother, especially her mother, the way he did.

It's never explained if Naruto ever faces Sasuke about his supposedly affair with Karin.

But everything that I mentioned earlier is small compared to this, apparently the true motive for hidding from Sarada the identity of her father was to protect her from enemy ninja. Now, if I remember correctly, the genin could only leave the village as long as they were accompanied by a team formed of two other genin and their sensei, a Jounin, or in the worst case a genin could leave the village with his sensei and only then could go outside. However Shikamaru, of all people, thinks it's a good idea to let two little kids go alone, one being the survivor of a nearly extinct clan, both whom are not even genin because they haven't graduated from the ninja academy, without being accompanied by at least a Jounin, to get outside of the village, only to deliver a damn bento to Naruto. I mean really? WTF.

As far as I'm concerned, Gaiden was nothing but another bad story with a very poor context that only serves to glorify Uchihas, specially Sasuke, so whatever he does or whatever he says, he remains a Karma-Houdini, as always.

Finally, those who try to justify and defend the morbid and downright unhealthy relationship between Sakura and Sasuke, and the latter attitude; I only tell this, you don't need to justify anything, the characters in the story already do. Sakura does, the Kages does, Ino does, even Naruto does; Even more, I'm already sure the entire manga is made for that purpose alone and I'm afraid that will not change anytime soon.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-04 14:58:37 » #1770790

Jesus tap dancing Christ! Will you people just get the fuck over it already!? The goddamn manga is over. It's done for with the exception of Kishimoto desperately trying to hold onto his cash cow a little longer with little side stories. All the arguments all of you make are pointless.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-04 15:04:23 » #1770793

The main problem with Gaiden, and from the looks of the movie, is that most of the stuff is just a poor man's rehash of elements from the main story rather than trying to really have its own identity. Even the villain of the movie looks like another Sage/Kaguya wannabe ala Obito, Madara, and Toneri. They could've at least come up with a more original villain like most of the movies prior to The Last had done.

It's pretty clear it's all just Studio Pierrot/Shueisha trying to milk the series for all it's worth while not even putting in all the effort to make it good, hence why it all feels forced and not believable.

5 Points Flag