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Anonymous commented at 2015-07-26 00:34:27 » #1783416

Sarada: "Boruto, are you okay? your face is all red..."
Sasuke: "...Ahem..."
Boruto: "...*Gulp*..."


15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-28 21:58:41 » #1785075

sasuke...be tankfull that most likely your daugter will have a good first kiss...unlike you know...aheam...you know what i meen dude

29 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-21 20:17:25 » #1869486

Boruto-Sarada is a disaster waiting to happen. Consider this...

Naruto- Uzumaki and Senju intermarry so much, they might as well be the same clan, not to mention, Naruto has Hashi cells due to his prosthetic. He's also the heir to Ashura's chakra.

Hinata- Was given Hamura's chakra, and is a Hyuuga, which is the Uchiha of Hamura's line. This means she has all of the ingredients for a Tenseigan pie.

All of this is passed down to Boruto and Himawari.

Sasuke- Uchiha, who also has Hashi's cells, which allowed him to achieve Rinnegan. He's also the heir to Indra's chakra.

This is passed down to Sarada.

All of that being passed down to a child of Sarada and Boruto.....Kaguya Ootsutski v2.

3 Points Flag