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Anonymous commented at 2015-08-26 09:49:04 » #1802338

Remember when Inuyasha started out as dark, gothic Japanese fantasy in which the 'good guys' did things like cannibalize villages instead of another Wacky Love Comedy?

Something in that series died when Yura did.

21 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2015-08-26 13:43:11 » #1802416

Inuyasha was always a love, comedy, action oriented series. If you watched Ranma you would understand the style of genre the the author makes in her series.

Inuyasha was itself one of the darkest stories she ever wrote.

14 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-08-27 01:26:14 » #1802753

Personally i loved the romance in Inuyasha. They've done it better than pretty much every shounen that I've seen since. Kagome is probably the only tsundere I've found to be likable in years. Fucking shit like Nisekoi that is a HUGE waste of time with little to no character development makes me miss it. And the conflict Inuyasha has with who he wants to be with actually makes more sense than most main protagonists who just have no attraction towards any girl they meet for some reason.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-04 12:42:36 » #1807934

ummm, you think InuYasha was one of her darkest stories? never heard of Mermaid Scar/Mermaid Forest?

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-04-12 02:58:44 » #1931588

when did they cannibalize a village?

2 Points Flag