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Anonymous commented at 2015-08-30 13:21:01 » #1805068

You know what isn't annoying? Going to a tag only to find out it has been taken over by an image set.

Here is a public suggestion: Group by set. This would collapse picture sets into a single image, with a paged thumbnail.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-15 17:54:10 » #1831345

Despite anon1's snotty tone, it's actually a good suggestion. It would make it easy to find all the images in a set, and wouldn't crowd the search pages so badly.

That said, since there's some variation in what tags a given image has, I'm not sure how workable of a solution it is.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-15 18:01:34 » #1831347

Or you could click the - symbol near a set's tag name and not see anything with that tag if it bothers you that much.

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