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Anonymous commented at 2015-09-01 09:33:20 » #1806148

Sakura bit Sasuke's ear.

8 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2015-09-01 15:52:32 » #1806274

So far it seems that the Naruto girls get it their way, what kind of message are they sending out to young women...

Oh, & I'm here b4 the haters. ;P

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-01 20:53:39 » #1806468

it's a shonen series, it doesn't give a crap at all about whatever message it's sending to girls -- girls only read/watch shojo, amirite? everyone knows all girls only care about romance and are entirely repelled by action and adventure.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-02 08:21:00 » #1806717

He deserves that and more after what he did/put her through.The Irony of them being together. I can just see Sakura's response when Sarada inevitably asks about her and Sasuke's not so bright past. Sakura will likely just fake smile before quickly walking out of the room.

11 Points Flag
BigStudBen commented at 2015-09-02 08:40:52 » #1806727

I'm sure that some girls do read shonen, I know my sister did.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-02 15:10:17 » #1806889

I feel like anon2 was probably being sarcastic. At least I hope so, since I'm a chick and I ingest probably more than my fair share of shonen.

But it's also important to remember that this series wasn't written for Western readers with Western values. In traditional Japanese culture, it's highly admirable for a woman to devote herself entirely to one man without regard to whatever hardships she herself has to face in order to maintain that devotion. Self-sacrifice is also considered a good quality. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Sakura is actually considered a good role model for girls by the more traditional elements over there.

23 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-03 17:06:44 » #1807488

I always thought Sakura was similar to Naruto in that she didn't give up in caring for Sasuke. Unlike Naruto she wanted to kill him to stop him from doing what he wanted to do but couldn't because she cared for him too much. Different but somewhat similar.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-06 06:04:29 » #1808888

Well, I dunno if EVERY Naruto girl got their man. Ino was very into Sasuke, to put it very mildly. She got Sai instead, and though she seems happy with her choice, her initial choice was out of her reach.

2 Points Flag