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Anonymous commented at 2015-11-27 12:55:03 » #1855860

Such a beautifully done piece of work. Naruhina is so adorably awesome. Sakura didn't deserve him, he was kind and caring towards her, while all she did was toy with his initial feelings for her while putting him down. Naruhina is totally compatible, while Sasuke and Sakura's relationship seems pretty stale.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-27 23:14:35 » #1856121

@anon2 and the best part, he's happy (well up until he became hokage and gave little attention to his family)

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-28 01:07:31 » #1856166

^It's been over a year and people still think this? He's happy about achieving his dreams just overworking himself to be great Hokage and obivously loves his family.

6 Points Flag
MagnaSonic3000 commented at 2015-11-28 23:40:30 » #1856671

He's what every hard working husband is, just a guy with a ton of work being pushed on him so he can do good for his people and his family.

If people think working hard means you don't love your family, then this world is very morbid.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-11-30 02:19:52 » #1857337

agreed anon 1. also don forget when Sakura angrily ended her perfect freindship with Ino over Sasuke(among other things) early in the series. though they reconciled, it said alot about Sakura's nasty/jealous personality. she gave those vibes early. IMHO, naruhina makes sense and is for the better

9 Points Flag