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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-02 14:35:24 » #1943094

Naruto knows how to handle people like Itachi. While he acts like he is all toughguy deluxe and that, he squeals like a girl when he is mounted from behind! And Sakura loves it! His gates are open she says! His gates are wide open and it will not be shut she says!

But in the darkness there are people whistling and stuff is moving and plans are being executed.

Can you not smell the wind of change Naruto? Can you not sense the sharp swords of treachery swiftly moving around Itachi? Can you not hear the rustling in the breeze Sakura? It is not the gentle sound of leaves, that's for sure!

The scenery is the same, but something has changed. A syndicate, far worse than Akatsuki are swaying minds and conquering territory. The war is not yet in the open, yet battles are fought at the moment.

As Naruto withdraws from Itachi and Itachi withdraws from Sakura a sigh of pleasant exhaustion is whispered in the room and all three of them embrace joyfully and share the wondrous moment. But the joy is not to stay in their hearts for long.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-06 16:28:24 » #2092927

Itachi will know pain

1 Points Flag